Interesting and Humour - page 827

Mischek: Read more. )) It wasn't possible. It was tantamount to suicide.
Yes, rushed it, of course. It wasn't that simple.

Don't talk about smoking and vodka, everything is clear here.

In essence the organism is geared to survival by appealing to memory in search of ready-made patterns and (or) restructuring for the current situation.

You drive the organism into a situation that is centuries old. Drought, crop failure, the body adjusts to nutritional deficits and rebuilds the metabolism. At the same time, it feeds the brain with hints of recommended behaviour.

The body "borrows" from itself to survive. This will inevitably pay off later. Roughly speaking, you live less years. You will receive endorphins and purification in a short period of time.

It is easier and quicker to remove toxins from the menu. You need your own bread (but not from our flour), your own sausages, etc..

Don't tell me I can't write this because I haven't quit smoking myself.

Oooh, you're wrong there. Hunger, if you draw the analogy with, say, mobile devices is nothing more than a reset to factory settings device. Well it happens - ponastavaet user his device to the point that either reset or throw away. And of course a factory reset will never fix a crack in the device's glass, or a dent in the case.

It's the same here. You don't borrow, you simply give your body the opportunity (by taking a break from throwing sausages, bread etc. into the furnace of the locomotive) to free up resources for self-cleaning. This amazing biomachine (the human body) is originally endowed with these functions. There are no supermarkets in nature, no pharmacy chains, etc. etc. There is no one to rely on but yourself. And the mechanism is simple. The main thing is to give it a chance to run itself at least once in a while. The same purification mechanism is achieved by eating food which has not been thermally processed and is very slow in coming. You have to feel it with your own body and all doubts will disappear at once.


Ooh, that's where you're wrong. Starvation, if you draw an analogy with, say, mobile devices, is nothing more than resetting the device to its factory settings. Well it happens - ponastavaet user his device to the point that either reset or throw away. And of course the reset will not fix the crack on the glass of the device, or a dent in the body.

It's the same here. You do not take a debt, you simply give the body the opportunity to free up resources for self-cleaning. This amazing biomachine (the human body) is originally endowed with these functions. There are no supermarkets in nature, no pharmacy chains, etc. etc. There is no one to rely on but yourself. And the mechanism is simple. The main thing is to give it a chance to run itself at least once in a while. The same purification mechanism is achieved by eating food which has not been thermally processed and is very slow in coming. You have to feel it with your own body and all doubts will disappear at once.

Well in the first place the body does not and cannot be a mechanism of rejuvenation, ie reset to its clean age, you can only roll it back in its direction, but the reset to the factory (below its age), I valsha silent.

Second, self-cleaning is one of the visible side effects.

In the third you will have to resort to starvation as the only way to tone the body.

Fourthly, the only result will be a reduction in your body's lifespan.


We help fund a host of local Cypriot non-profits, including a children's club for boxing (hard to get government support here), a marathon, a ski club and sick children.

We don't do it for publicity, we do it for support. If you want to help, we can open a charity fund, where we will certainly invest ourselves.


The body does not and cannot have the mechanism of rejuvenation, i.e. it can only roll back to its clean age, and I am not even talking about a reset to the factory settings (below its age).

Second, self-cleaning is one of the visible side effects.

In the third you will have to resort to starvation as the only way to tone the body.

Fourthly, the only result will be a reduction in your body's lifespan.

Rejuvenation? Where did you get that from, eh?

Eh, Micha, I would agree with you, but the fact is that for some time on these topics I only can communicate in the mode "asked - answered" :) The "prove" mode is switched off when it's not needed. You think it happens like this, all right. I know it happens very differently. "Thinking" and "knowing" are different things, fundamentally. What I know is enough for me. But that's not the main thing either. Don't worry - you and I will live long (but differently) and die on the same day :))


"Father Christmas doesn't exist, yeah."

Who's got it all, raise your hand :)
Who understands it all, raise your hand :)
what it means to fake it is unclear... :)
what it is to get fouled is unclear... :)
screw up :)