Interesting and Humour - page 638

What gives you the creeps? The usual guitar diarrhea, and we don't know bands like that.
it's Mozart.
it's Mozart.
just ignore it, it's useless

So they come there every day and rescue some baby elephant from that hole, I guess. Instead of digging that hole on the side. But then there wouldn't be any drama.

Yeah. And it's a shame about the elephant, the nerve of it. It's a weird hole, obviously dug. Why would you dig a hole like that in a wildlife sanctuary? It's too small for a predator. I don't understand.
just ignore it, it's useless.
it's Mozart.

it's a hit.

First of all, it's not "Requiem", it's the soundtrack from the movie "Requiem for a Dream".

Second of all, who's Mozart? It's Clint Mansell.

The usual guitar diarrhea, and we don't know such bands.

:) I have geographical cretinism. I can only know where a country or a city is if I've been there.

And you must have a cretinism about art in general.

just ignore it, it's useless.
Yeah, you can't get enough of every ignoramus :)

Apple should print an apology to Samsung in font 14


A rather silly demotivator, but it's funny:


The Samsung Galaxy is cooler than the 5th iPhone.

Who's up for a challenge? Bet 10 credits.

I'll wait half an hour.


Zeleniy, oddly enough, there is also a ban for cretinism.

I deleted the post.