Interesting and Humour - page 443

I bought it. the file is lost. can't find it in the bin after deleting it. what is it?
Well, that's a whole movie rehash.

it is good if you allow yourself to do what is interesting, woodworking was engaged in 9-10 class in aircraft modeling circle, really, "interesting to the horror", it is interesting how you can bend any lath in a semicircle, but alas, since then constantly lack of time, although I may have forgotten my interests and may be now is the time to remember it, to teach my son to do with his hands what for others remains a mystery....

thanks for commenting!!!!!

Oh, thank you !:))) I'm still there, I can't tear myself away yet. :-) Looks like I'll be stopping by in the future too, at least for a cultural break. And it is useful - it enriches with ideas, non-standard approaches, and in general it loosens up the imagination. What else has surprised me: almost allof the master classes have amazing music, which is quite rare in such quantities. I have tried to explain this interesting phenomenon, and so far I have come up with a rather vague theory, in which the main explanations revolve around "a deep sophisticated sophisticated sophisticated artistic taste, which is reflected in all of the master's works, no matter which field they belong to (merchandising, video materials or musical artefacts)".

In short, it's a cool place, a "hotbed" of creativity and craftsmanship. Bookmark it - for sure.

Well, you'd have to retell the whole movie.
I watched it in bits and pieces.
Well, that's the whole movie.
Anyway, what's your theory on what's going on in Lost? - I think that the passengers on that plane are all dead, and their souls are walking around the island. A lot of facts from the film support that conjecture. Although this version is not perfect, however, that is the point of the film - all the guesses remain guesses, there are no explanations at the end of the film.
Anyway, what's your theory on what's going on in Lost? - I think that the passengers on that plane are all dead, and it's their souls walking around the island. Many facts from the film support that conjecture. Although this version is not perfect, though, that is the point of the film - all the guesses remain guesses, there are no explanations at the end of the film.
I think so too. I watched it for a long time, many times, and each time I found something new that I hadn't noticed before.
I think so too. I watched it long, many times, and each time I found something new that I hadn't noticed before.

I agree. I think this film is one of the greatest works of modern times. A masterpiece.

I would love to see an adaptation of Roger Jelazny's The Chronicles of Amber, I think that would be something too!

About the world of Amber.

Universe structure

The universe of the book consists of a continuous set of parallel worlds that are "reflections" of Amber(the world of order) and the Courts of Chaos (the world of chaos). These secondary worlds are called Reflections ("Shadows" in another translation) and the closer they are to one of the poles, the more they resemble it.

There is a special category of people in the universe who are able to move between the parallel worlds, as well as retrieve various objects from them using their imagination and the power of one of the central artifacts. The centre of Amber is the Path of Fire, a labyrinth of magical light that is inscribed beneath the city's palace in a special hall. Only members of the royal family have access there. Contact with the Path of Fire will be fatal for the average person. A symbol of Chaos is the ever-transforming Logrus. Amber, described in the first part of the Chronicles, is in fact only the first and most stable of the Reflections of the original Amber. The primordial Amber is a world uninhabited - a vast ocean with a single island, on the rocky plateau of which the original Fire Path is inscribed. As it turns out later, the original Fiery Road was created by Dworkin. In the words of Dworkin himself, he created the original Fiery Road "with the help of the Doomstone, his own blood and the sound of a lyre on a secluded island in the middle of the ocean, where he flew in from Chaos."[2] Dworkin thus becomes the creator of the entire Amber multiverse with all of its Reflections. As the further development of the plot shows, the Fire Path, despite its magical protection from mere mortals and from any influences, can be damaged and even destroyed if the blood of Dworkin's descendants is spilled on it. One of the storylines of the first Chronicles pentalogy has to do precisely with the discovery of the original Fire Path, which turned out to be partially damaged. The damage explained the cause of the disturbance and instability in the Reflections of Amber and the disturbance of the age-old balance of power between Order (Amber and the Fire Path) and Chaos(Logrus). Logrus and the Fire Path are constantly fighting for spheres of influence and are antipodes (order - chaos, reason - madness, and so on). Chaos has gained access to Amber via the Black Road, thanks to the damage to the Way (and Corwin's curse).

The Reflections nearest to Amber also have Reflections of the Fire Path, but they have somewhat less power. In particular, the Pathways are mentioned in Rebma, an underwater Reflection of Amber; in Avalon, where the events of the novelThe Guns of Avalon unfold; in the city of Tir na Nog'th, flying over Amber(Eng.Tir-na Nog'th, see also Tir na Nog- the name of the legendary city from Irish mythology). Other important reflections are Earth - our world,Begma,Kashfa and Lorraine.Lorraine- whether they contain reflections of the Fire Path is unknown, but the Chronicles repeatedly state that each of the worlds of Reflection bears at least a distant resemblance to Amber, and the further the Reflection, the more unlike Amber the world is and the more distorted its reflection of the Fire Path and the less suitable the reflected Path is for its passage.

Members of the royal family of Amber, as well as the Lords of Chaos, some magical beings and specially created technical devices(the Phantom Wheel) can move freely between Reflections or receive information from them. The physical laws in Reflections can vary. Heroes often ask questions that are difficult to answer definitively, such as: How real are the Reflections? Are the Reflections a figment of their imagination, or do they simply find a Reflection that fits their desire? Does the moving Reflection create a Reflection or does it simply go to something that already exists in reality? As the number of Reflections is uncountable, there are Reflections corresponding to any fantasy, such as the world of Alice in Lewis Carroll's works, shown in the novelMaps of Destiny.

Both the Amber and the Courts of Chaos have different physical and chemical laws from what we are used to on Earth. For example, the Amberites do not use firearms, electricity, electronics or computer technology, though they are aware of them. Corwin's discovery of a certain pink powder's ability to explode in the Amber revolutionized the Amberites' warfare ("Avalon Guns"). Corwin's son Merlin was given a specialty on Reflection Earth, relating to the creation of a computer. The machine he created, the Phantom Wheel, used the fundamental laws of information processing, but could also scan Reflections. The Amberites can breathe (and live) underwater, inhabiting the nearest Reflection Rebma (only on the ladder leading to Rebma and in Rebma itself, the rider who was pushed down the ladder by Random is crushed by water pressure), or walking on the moonbeam (walking on the ladder which like Tir-na Nog'th itself is only visible under the full moon), visiting Tir-na Nog'th. In some worlds, living beings, when they die, fly to the sky, literally overcoming gravity.

But if Amber is the pole of order, Chaos is breathtaking in its fickleness. Everything here flows and changes - from the appearance of the Chaosites to the walls, the sky, the stones. Even time flows differently in Chaos. In one hour of Amber in Chaos, several days can pass. Merlin claims that, in principle, a person with imagination can create any world, with any properties. This is partly true: Merlin's brother Mandor has created several personal underworlds for his own amusement - either for the future, for his enemies, or for the present, to make allies more circumspect. Drugs, by disinhibiting the imaginations of Amberites and Chaosites, cause such horrifying consequences that none of them dare repeat the experience.

Actually, what's your theory on what's going on in Lost? - I think that the passengers on that plane are all dead, and it's their souls walking around the island. A lot of facts from the film support that conjecture. Although this version is not perfect, however, that is the point of the film - all the guesses remain guesses, there are no explanations at the end of the film.

No theory

The point is to keep the viewer.


The challenge is to retain the viewer

Absolutely. The one who does it best is the best. Take, for example, artists' paintings - it's the same thing, isn't it? - The ones that keep the eye on longer are the best.

So we are moving from a qualitative characteristic of "betterness" to a quantitative one, the amount of time a viewer's eye stays on a painting, which of course allows you to characterise it more accurately, be it a film, an automotive or a work of Mother Nature - blonde (brunette, shaven hair).

- Honey, where are you?
- I'm out hunting.
- Who's breathing so loud over there?
- It's a bear.