Interesting and Humour - page 4300

Sergey Savinkin:

That would certainly have been better. Even if it had been kicked twice. But it is Volchansky who will be crucified for walking on water.

From the word crucify. For example, crucify cannot be pardoned.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

From the word crucify. For example, crucify cannot be pardoned.

You can also have ten pardons.)

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Nah, I've been running for a fortnight and haven't had a drop of alcohol. Soon the saint's crown will appear, I'll start walking on water and doing good to people ))

From alimony?)


Rodrigo Fomins and the Remix (Latvia) - The Way to the Light (1987)


And this is three years ago (2015), same artist, same song ... Almost thirty years have passed ... he hasn't even aged :)


And this is another (already contemporary) song by the famous Latvian singer - No rita (In the Morning).
Music by Aivars Hermanis, lyrics by IGO.


IGO (Rodrigo Fomins) - In the Morning

Sergey Savinkin:

Be careful, or they'll crucify you...

I once complained to a friend that I got pecked, and she said, 'You'll get pecked, you'll break your beak.) I've been sober for two and a half weeks now, I'm tired of treading water, the crown is shining at night, it won't let me sleep. Something's got to change. Where to start - with a beer or a dry one?


From alimony?)

Professionals don't get alimony )) I'll tell you my favourite anecdote on the subject again.

A bee once asked a snake, 'Why is it that when you bite, others die? And when I sting, I die?

- It's because you're an amateur and I'm a professional.)