Interesting and Humour - page 4183

Yandex must have meant that they created a protection against viruses coming through the web. when visiting websites, but of course it has long been known that hackers have no problem finding users with viable species and send them a Trojan horse that can hardly be found or deleted. Only recently MycroSoft took care to remove this hole in Windows and provided patches for old operating systems. Windows 10 is already without holes thanks to regular updates. The only thing needed to infect your computer is an internet connection, the hacker will find you and get in even if you haven't done anything.
В России из самолета рассыпались золотые слитки - СМИ
В России из самолета рассыпались золотые слитки - СМИ
  • 2018.03.15
  • RIA Novosti
КИЕВ, 15 мар — РИА Новости Украина. В России в аэропорту Якутства при вылете самолет Ан-12 оторвало створку грузового люка, сообщает пресс-служба воздушной гавани. "15 марта при взлете из аэропорта "Якутск" у грузового самолета АН-12 авиакомпании "Нимбус" воздушным потоком сорвало левую створку грузового люка. Экипаж принял решение о возврате...

history tends to repeat itself.

The age of longevity is upon us. Once again, medicine rules.

михаил потапыч:

Members of the forum, don't forget to follow the rules

Did the rules hit you so hard right after you logged on?
Yuriy Zaytsev:

It's the age of longevity. Once again, medicine rules.

there is something a little bit ominous about it ))))"quietly becomes the longest-serving"

Yuriy Zaytsev:

It's the age of longevity. Once again, medicine rules.

I once read somewhere that in various countries, when doctors went on strike in those countries, mortality rates went down.
Alexandr Saprykin:

I once read somewhere that in various countries during doctors' strikes in these countries the mortality rate decreased.

That's right. There was no one to state it. ))

Ihor Herasko:

That's right. There was no one to state it. ))

Or no one to heal to death)