Interesting and Humour - page 4188

Yuriy Zaytsev:

what a mess, six years of peace of mind guaranteed.

Who are Pronin and Mamonov?

How about that!

- Thinking about russia, Yuri Kharitonovich? You're a golden man. You need a rest!

- I have no time to rest when the country is in such a mess!

Denis Sartakov:

How about that!

- Thinking about russia, Yuri Kharitonovich? You're a golden man. You need a rest!

- I have no time to rest when the country is in such a mess!

No, Kharitonovich was not thinking about Russia, why? There is one person specially chosen to think about it.

Yuri Kharitonovich was drinking heavily today - i.e. resting.

So who are these mysterious Pronin and Mamonov ? which one is Kharitonovich ?
Yuriy Zaytsev:

No, Kharitonovich has not thought about Russia, why should he? There is one person specially chosen to think about it.

Yuri Kharitonovich was drinking heavily today - i.e. resting.

So who are these mysterious Pronin and Mamonov ? which one is Kharitonovich ?
Yuriy Zaytsev:

No, Kharitonovich has not thought about Russia, why should he? There is one person specially chosen for it who should be thinking about it.

Yuri Kharitonovich was drinking heavily today - i.e. resting.

So who are these mysterious Pronin and Mamonov ? which one is Kharitonovich ?

Who cares, the main thing is that the country is safe.

Academician Pavlov walks into the bar, at which point someone's phone rings.
Pavlov slaps his forehead:
- Shit! I forgot to feed the dog.
Denis Sartakov:

what's up, man, you're getting lyrical?

"We're not in the mood for lyrics when the country's in such a mess!" (MP Pronin and Mamonov)

That was three days ago) No time for lyrics :)


We have had an announcement about the creation of a digital economy. Turns out it all started in the mid-80s. under the name of 'transhumanism'.

Here's an overview of it:

"Man in the ideology of transhumanism is a kind of in-between, evolving into a post-human with progressively less control over his life.

Ольга Четверикова. Они ведают, что творят: оцифровка человека
Ольга Четверикова. Они ведают, что творят: оцифровка человека
Круглый стол с участием доцента МГИМО Ольги Четвериковой, посвящённый вопросам цифровой экономики и проблеме оцифровки человека. «Человек в идеологии трансгуманизма — это некое промежуточное
Vitaly Murlenko:

It's winter - you have to wear a fur coat))))

СанСаныч Фоменко:

We have announced the creation of a digital economy. Turns out it all started in the mid-80s. under the name of 'transhumanism'.

Here's an overview of it:

"Man in the ideology of transhumanism is a kind of in-between, evolving into a post-human with progressively less control over his life.

The topic is very interesting, and more importantly, inescapable,

but the gathering in the video doesn't look like a community of scientists, but rather a bunch of fearful retrogrades who are afraid of anything new, the Luddites of postmodernity,

they're all about twisting, sophistry, demonizing new technologies, conspiracy theories, and highlighting the horrors of the digital world,

threats everywhere, total surveillance, ruling clans and US intelligence is everywhere, ZOG is everywhere...

and yes by the nature of the speakers' speeches it's clear that they seem to be intelligent on one side, but generally hopelessly backward...

almost every bit of the speech shows superstition and piling up of "spiritual" ballast...

the speech is dominated by the words "in all aspects", "absolutely", "total", over-generalizations are made, of course without any proof...

this video is a clear result of what happens when amateurs start talking about a topic they know nothing about...

fortunately, they're not dangerous nutjobs, let them get together and scare each other...