Interesting and Humour - page 4152


Tomorrow's illiterates

2 hours ago6

The wise creator of the German Empire, Otto von Bismarck,once said that the war was won by a schoolteacher. And he was absolutely right. In the competition between civilisations and worldviews, which make up human history, the winner is the one whose consciousness is more flexible and whose knowledge is greater.

The future of the state and the nation is created by the daily work of the schoolteacher. It is he, the teacher, who is the main creator of Russia's future.

In the competition with the Western world, and above all with the United States, we won because our educational system was better. Our teachers taught our children in a deeper, more effective way, creating in them a broader understanding of the world.

And then came perestroika. And the "education reforms" began.

We are moving in the wrong direction. Clear evidence of this - an article from the American press in 1961. It compares the education systems of the USSR and the United States and comes to sad conclusions.

For them, sad.

What does Ivan read?

Article published on November 17, 1961

Educators in the United States cannot fail to acknowledge that Russia can produce highly trained scientists and engineers, but they console themselves with the theory that Soviet schools pay scant attention to the humanities, which are supposedly taught brilliantly in American schools. English professor Arther S. Trace Jr. (Arther S. Trace Jr. of the Center for Russian Studies at John Carroll University in Cleveland, set out to 'debunk the illusion.

This week Trace has published What Ivan Knows That Johnny Doesn't, in which he compares Russian and US textbooks in the humanities. The professor suggests that these subjects are 'criminally neglected' in American schools, while Russian children 'receive much deeper knowledge' in these fields.


Олег avtomat:

Tomorrow's illiterates

You must be fed up with the forum if you risk getting banned...
Alexey Viktorov:
You must be fed up with the forum if you risk getting banned...

Ban? You have a strange understanding...

Comparing the two education systems deserves to be banned in your opinion?

Yes... That's how bans stifle the capacity for perception and understanding... In a word, EGE...

Олег avtomat:

Ban? You have a strange understanding...

Comparing the two education systems deserves to be banned in your opinion?

Yes... that's how bans stifle the ability to perceive and understand... In a word, EGE...

Oleg, even my kids didn't catch the EGE.

I certainly like this comparative characterisation, but there is a warning from Rashid about trying to start political strife on the forum. And this comparative characterisation could push someone to object and it would be seen as political squabbling.

Alexey Viktorov:

Oleg, even my children did not catch the EGE.

I certainly like this comparative characterisation, but there is a warning from Rashid about trying to start political strife on the forum. And this comparative characterisation could lead someone to object and it would be seen as political strife.

Even an innocent butterfly can prompt some idiot who doesn't like the colour of the butterfly or the shape of its wings to object and start a political row. Was it the butterfly's fault? Or was it, after all, the fault of an idiot with an inadequate psyche?

Don't lump everything together.

From this point of view "a flap of a butterfly's wings" can lead to a change in the whole course of historical events.

бабочка - Поиск в Google
бабочка - Поиск в Google
{"cl":6,"cr":3,"id":"Z_QTb2uCDcwT1M:","isu":"","itg":0,"ity":"jpg","oh":639,"ou":"","ow":940,"pt":"Бабочка \u2013 описание, виды, чем питается, где обитает...
Олег avtomat:

Even an innocent butterfly can prompt some idiot who doesn't like the colour of the butterfly or the shape of its wings to object and start a political row. Was it the butterfly's fault? Or was it, after all, the fault of an idiot with an inadequate psyche?

Don't lump everything together.

None of it matters. The company just doesn't want to have unnecessary, unnecessary problems because someone is an idiot and someone is a butterfly. It's entitled to it, it's its resource. That's it. It just has to be accepted. As it is.

Aleksandr Volotko:

None of this matters. The company just doesn't want to have unnecessary, unnecessary problems because someone is an idiot and someone is a butterfly. It's entitled to it, it's its resource. That's it. It just has to be accepted. As it is.

Any topic, any issue can be turned either way.


Robots have been blamed for the fall in stock markets

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Robots have been blamed for the stock market crash

And that's very strange, because it's all the fault of you-know-who lately, led by who :)

Aleksandr Volotko:

And it's very strange, because it's all the fault of you know who's been in charge lately :)

We know! But man, this is politics!