Interesting and Humour - page 407


If everyone accepts it, why not do it yourself.

If Misha's post remains (already sorry Misha) hit the complaint button.

Let everyone answer for themselves.

I fully support you. But my opinion - the current situation with the political rhetoric of the thread and the regular violation of forum rules - should attract the attention of moderators and administration. I am not an active party in this matter. But I don't want to be a silent observer of Mishka's political coven either. That's why I won't delete my posts (sorry).

I suggest everyone clean up the thread.

If everyone accepts it, why not do it yourself.

If Misha's post remains (already sorry Misha) hit the complain button.

Let everyone answer for themselves.

No offense . It is your right. I do not see the point in deleting it because of Bolkonsky's inadequate response to the facts. Tomorrow he will have the word Europe forbidden. So what?
No offence . That's your right. I don't see the point in deleting for the sake of Bolkonsky's inadequate response to the facts. Tomorrow he will have the word Europe forbidden. So what?
Don't be so stupid. You learned from political ideologues to call white white as grey. To your facts I also give you facts

It's on



Not "started", but "started", "started".

You have to get the endings right. Otherwise we have everything in an indefinite form: "Oil has gone up in price", "The Union has fallen apart", "Prices have risen". Everything happens on its own without anyone responsible or involved?

There has to be specifics. If "started", who "started" or "started"?


Very impressed by this promise :)))

Ukraine will be in the quarterfinals! Who has another opinion? 10 credits?

(I have problems with PayPal now, but I will pay as soon as the blockage is removed)


. If "started", who "started" or "started"?

The state department?

Very impressed by this promise :)))

Ukraine will be in the quarterfinals! Who has another opinion? 10 credits?

(I have problems with PayPal now, but will pay as soon as the blockage is removed)

Dimitar, unfortunately Ukraine will lose. But to charge you for that is sacrilege.
Dimitar, unfortunately Ukraine will lose. But to take money from you for that is sacrilege.

No, it's blasphemy for a methaquant, but for an argument you can.

But alas, I do not accept pepel. So also not.

A representative of the zombified masses of things?