Interesting and Humour - page 4023

It is customary to address a stranger as "you", regardless of whether the communication takes place online or in person. I think that there are very few people who don't know that, so you can consider yourself a prodigy).

The comma is missing - whether or not..... is being conducted

And in the second sentence there is a comma missing.


Two men are sitting on a bench, spitting sunflower seeds. A foreigner comes up to them:
- Do you speak English?
- Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
- parliamo italiano?
- parle français?
without waiting for an answer he leaves. One man to another:
- look, Vasili, what a clever man - he knows so many languages....
The other man to him:
- so what? did it help him?


The comma is missing - whether or not..... is being conducted

And there is a comma missing in the second sentence.

You should change your nickname to Dimitri_philologist).
You should change your nickname to Dimitri the philologist.")

He was brought to hospital: a skinny, skinny student of the Institute of Philology, so nerdy and had never been in the army.


The doctor brought him to consciousness and asked who had done this to you - the student, in a thin voice, overpowering the pain, told me:

- I was sitting in a cafe, and some guys were sitting next to me, wearing strange clothes, striped shirts and blue berets.

And one of them, the healthiest one, tells his buddies a story:

- "I had a dick in my company."

And I say to him:

- "I'm sorry, but it's not in my company, it's in my mouth.

I don't remember anything else.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

A skinny, skinny student of the Institute of Philology was brought to the hospital, he was beaten to death, a total nerd and had never been in the army.


The doctor brought him to consciousness and asked who had done this to you - the student, in a thin voice, overpowering the pain, told me:

- I was sitting in a cafe, and some guys were sitting next to me, wearing strange clothes, striped shirts and blue berets.

And one of them, the healthiest one, tells his buddies the story:

- "I had a dick in my company."

And I said to him:

- "Excuse me, but it's not in my company, it's in my mouth.

I don't remember the rest.


Dmitry Fedoseev:

Everywhere you look, there are such experts in the Russian language, and not a single sane textbook in the wild, so this is an amazing paradox.

Apparently, the rules have already been rewritten many times. For example, they used to write and say "emergency exit". And then some... got it into his head that if it comes from the wordreserve, then it's correct to write "spare" with the accent on the second a. I was taught in the early sixties that when asked "Where do you live?" the answer was "I live in Moscow" or "I live in the city of Moscow", implying that in a city called Moscow. And some... got it in his head that it's correct to write "Moscow City Prosecutor's Office." But that's not all... Probably many people know that in Moscow there is a plant called "Sickle and Hammer" and there is a passage named after this plant. So some ... made signs on the walls of houses and it says: Sickle and Hammer Plant proezd.

So what? Are they all considered great connoisseurs? How do you merge these two questions into one? Start a new discussion. This proposal does not concern Dmitri Fedoseyev.

Alexey Viktorov:

This proposal does not concern Dmitri Fedoseyev.

Privilege or discrimination?

Vladimir Suschenko:

Privilege or discrimination?

Respect. At least in some matters. Despite the fact that I quoted his words, the answer was not meant for him personally. And the offer, much less to him.

That's why you should write "emergency exit".