Interesting and Humour - page 3817

Denis Sartakov:
Where do the authorities look?

Where to! They look where the price tag of corruption is higher, they also have to make a living.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

When Obama started his Obamacare, he cited the figure of 30 million Americans without insurance as justification.

Apparently these are the same Americans who are very healthy. I've been lucky, I've never been on sick leave in my life. I wouldn't pay for insurance either, so why should I pay for it?

Health insurance is like a guarantee...

Just to give you another example, in my life I have never used warranty repair, I was lucky or ( god/fuck ) I don't know, I guess I am lucky.

Again, over the years I've bought an unbelievably large amount of servers and computers, and if the vendor tried to raise the price - including the warranty, I've always refused... Because the probability of failure is negligible. And if you collect the warranty amount, you can just buy a few spare ones on top.

Gundyaev would say: God bless him.

The question, in the studio... Why the fuck would you pay for a warranty? Given that Gundyaev is also right.

Andrey Dik:
it feels like you were born under a fence

This is a mistaken feeling, reread carefully what he writes. These thoughts and ideas are not his, he just found them.

Remember there was a song like that. Popular... In the '80s.

Felicita-felicita... La la la la... felicita.

She was the birthplace of the Soviet :

Small Earth and Revival - reread it.

Reread it?

Read it again...

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Where to! They look where the price tag of corruption is higher, they also have to make a living.

But this is wrong!

Denis Sartakov:

But it's wrong !

But it is the only way medicine exists.

Andrew Petras:

It would be a good point of contact to start negotiations to break the impasse between the countries.

I have always suspected that the DPRK and the US have something in common, to the point of pain...

We should tell the State Department to analyze the subject.

That's a good idea! Any common passion is a great bonding experience.

It will be fun to watch Kim Jong-un puff, one for two, in negotiations with Trump.

Just like the pale-folk used to smoke pipes with the Indians, but the Indians had no idea how their pale-folk brethren would throw them down.

It seems to me - if today's Indians intelligently raise the issue of genocide and contribution - then those few remaining Indians their grandchildren and great-grandchildren - will live forever on State Department funds.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

That is a mistaken impression, read carefully what he writes.Those thoughts and ideas are not his, he just found them.

What difference does it make? If he thinks and reasons out loud, it means that his thoughts are already his, and he does not look like a brainless, suggestible sheep - he speaks consciously, which makes him look even more repulsive.

...And SS's post was deleted... apparently some kind of Russophobe moderator is on here...

Andrew Petras:

It's not a big deal, we'll soon be like them. The scenario is brilliantly simple: strengthen the fight against smoking - raise the price of tobacco - allow light drugs.

ps and the proposal has already been submitted to the Duma.

A slightly different scenario, in fact. Weed and flowers are forbidden to grow, so there is vint - a helluva chemistry.

Andrey Dik:
It feels like you were born under a fence.

You could say that.