Interesting and Humour - page 3814


How this is understood -"The minister added that most of the debts are not paid by organisations, in particularmanagement companies. The ministry hopes that the amount of arrears for resources supplied will reduce over time. "

Who do they owe? It's funny how there are debts of population and debts of managing companies in one pile. The point of such an article is not clear.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

How this is understood -"The minister added that most of the debts are not paid by organisations, in particularmanagement companies. The ministry hopes that the amount of arrears for supplied resources will reduce over time. "

Who do they owe? It's funny how there are debts of population and debts of managing companies in one pile. The meaning of such an article is not clear.

They steal more than they are allowed to steal and hope that the thieves will have a conscience and return to the limits.

Physicists in Russia and the US have created the first 51-cubit quantum computer

Физики из России и США создали первый 51-кубитный квантовый компьютер
Физики из России и США создали первый 51-кубитный квантовый компьютер
МОСКВА, 14 июл — РИА Новости.  Российские и американские ученые, работающие в Гарварде, создали и проверили первый в мире квантовый компьютер, состоящий из 51 кубита. Устройство пока является самой сложной вычислительной системой такого рода, заявил профессор Гарвардского университета, сооснователь Российского квантового центра (РКЦ) Михаил...
Alexey Busygin:
They steal more than they are allowed to steal and hope that thieves will have a conscience and return to the limits.

That's understandable.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Who do they owe?

I would assume to their suppliers and energy suppliers, if the payments are made through the MC.


- Nevada authorities have declared a state of emergency over marijuana shortages.
- With a marijuana shortage, Nevadans face a harsh reality.


Alexey Busygin:
They steal more than they are allowed to steal and hope that the thieves wake up their conscience and return to the limits of what they are allowed to do.

Everybody steals!

Oh... I meant to write - everyone dances!

Andrew Petras:

- Nevada authorities have declared a state of emergency over marijuana shortages.
- With a marijuana shortage, Nevadans face a harsh reality.


In North Korea you can smoke marijuana, cannabis. Legally... :)

Dmitry Fedoseev:

How this is understood -"The minister added that most of the debts are not paid by organisations, in particularmanagement companies. The ministry hopes that the amount of arrears for supplied resources will reduce over time. "

Who do they owe? It's funny how there are debts of population and debts of managing companies in one pile. The point of such an article is not clear.

Management companies sign contracts with suppliers of resources (vodokanal, rosseti, etc.). Residents pay their management companies, and they in turn transfer the money to the accounts of their contractors. The problem is that the management companies have cash flow gaps - they have spent more than they received. In the Managing Company itching to close this delta formed "yesterday" with the help of money received "today". I.e. there is a strange situation: residents on time and in time to pay for housing services, and the debt of the house to the suppliers of services grows, as the money goes not clear where, to repay old debts and the performance of the obligations of the Managing Company.

Partly from such rescue direct payments. This is when the tenants' money goes directly to the service providers without their management company. Just instead of one receipt one has to pay several at once. But for example this scheme still did not save our management company from bankruptcy (rather accelerate the inevitable).

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Management companies conclude contracts for the maintenance of the building with the suppliers of resources (vodokanal, rosseti, etc.). Residents pay their management companies, and they in turn transfer the money to the accounts of their contractors. The problem is that the management companies have cash gaps - they spend more than they receive. In the Managing Company itching to close this delta formed "yesterday" with the help of money received "today". I.e. there is a strange situation: the tenants on time and in time to pay for housing services, and the debt of the house to the suppliers of services grows, as the money goes not clear where, to repay old debts and the performance of the obligations of the Managing Company.

Partly from such rescue direct payments. This is when the tenants' money goes directly to the service providers, bypassing their company. Just instead of one receipt one has to pay several at once. But for example this scheme still did not save our management company from bankruptcy (rather accelerate the inevitable).

The "cash gaps" at management companies are formed for a completely different reason - the extreme criminality of these organizations: washed away the dough (hello from Putin in the form of free movement of capital), went bankrupt and formed a new legal entity in the same premises. And so for years!

This is based on an extremely idiotic decision by the authorities to allow private businesses to operate in the natural monopoly market: well, exactly one water main, one electricity supply and one sewage system per house. There are no redundant networks at all. No competition is possible in principle. No, Luzhkov has been chattering about competition in the housing and utilities sector for years. He destroyed the entire Soviet housing and utilities sector and got an unthinkable mess with billions in non-payments.

In Moscow there has been a steady squeezing out of the private sector and all this chaos has started to disappear. They have left a small number of private management companies, which scare the city's utilities workers.