Interesting and Humour - page 3815

СанСаныч Фоменко:

The "cash gaps" in management companies are due to a completely different reason - the extreme criminality of these organisations: you flush the dough away (hello from Putin in the form of free movement of capital), go bankrupt and form a new legal entity in the same premises. And so for years!

This is based on an extremely idiotic decision by the authorities to allow private businesses to operate in the natural monopoly market: well, exactly one water main, one electricity supply and one sewage system per house. There are no redundant networks at all. No competition is possible in principle. No, Luzhkov has been chattering about competition in the housing and utilities sector for years. He destroyed the entire Soviet housing and utilities sector and got an unthinkable mess with billions in non-payments.

In Moscow there has been a steady squeezing out of the private sector and all this chaos has started to disappear. They have left a small number of private management companies which scare the city's communal services workers.

Unfortunately any decision which do not look, it is any idiotic.

Was it possible to put health care into private hands? Or is that the right way to put it? Commercial provision of health care??? So we're not idiots... we'll find so many diseases you won't even want to live...

Shame on me, but I'll tell you. I went to a dentist like that myself. I treated 2 teeth, which at least could not be treated, and at most did not need to be treated and "rejected" was left 5. Then I decided finally, went to restore the registration to the clinic I went to while working. That's where I found out that apart from a loose filling after a stone cleaning, there was no problem... but the budget's already gone down...

Alexey Viktorov:

Unfortunately, whichever way you look at it, every decision is idiotic.

Was it possible to put health care into private hands? Or is that the right way to put it? Commercial provision of health care??? So we're not idiots... we'll find so many diseases you won't even want to live...

Shame on me, but I'll tell you. I went to a dentist like that myself. I treated 2 teeth which at least could not be treated, and at most it was not necessary to treat and "rejected" was left 5. Then I decided finally, went to restore the registration to the clinic I went to while working. That's where I found out that apart from a loose filling after a stone cleaning, there was no problem... but the budget's already gone down...

You're lucky you don't live in the U.S., where an appendectomy costs over $50,000.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

You're lucky you don't live in the US, where appendicitis surgery costs more than $50,000.

That's if you don't have insurance.

Here you have an insurance policy or you don't have an insurance policy, you still have to pay the doctor :-). If you don't pay, they'll cut you up in any way they can... and maybe they'll cut something else out along the way.

( when my friend had gallstones removed - they said they would take them out through 3 small holes and would do a free strip surgery - it's easier to cut through half of his abdomen and remove the stones safely and quickly)

So he had to give him the money!

Corruption is rampant at all echelons

Yuriy Zaytsev:

that's if there's no insurance.

And this is if there is insurance.

Здравозахоронение - смотреть онлайн
Здравозахоронение - смотреть онлайн
  • 2007.05.19
Фильм известного американского режиссера-документалиста Майкла Мура (Michael Moore, автора "Фаренгейта 9/11", имевшего место быть в широком российском прокате)на этот раз о несовершенстве (мягко говоря) системы медицинского страхования (добровольного и обязательного) США и некоторых европейских стран.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

That's if you don't have insurance.

With us, if you have an insurance policy, you don't have one - you still have to pay the doctor :-) If you don't pay, they will cut you for no good reason... and maybe they'll cut something else out along the way.

( when my friend had gallstones removed - they said they would take them out through 3 small holes and would do a free strip surgery - it's easier to cut through half of his abdomen and remove the stones safely and quickly)

So he had to give him the money!

Corruption is rampant at all echelons.

What are the authorities doing?
Vasiliy Sokolov:

You're lucky you don't live in the US, where an appendectomy costs more than $50,000.

Appendicitis, yeah.


Yuriy Zaytsev:

is if there is no insurance.

When Obama started his Obamacare, he cited the figure of 30 million Americans without insurance as justification.

Vitaly Murlenko:

Is the programme glitchy if it prints itself out? What does a programme that is not recorded on any medium look like? A student once asked his teacher how to get rid of glitches in programs, and the teacher gave him a CIH virus. One day another student told the teacher that he wanted a program without glitches. "Fool! - shouted the teacher," why don't you ask for a glitch-free program?", and hit him over the head with a hard drive. If you have not yet attained enlightenment, there is nothing to talk to you about.

(Zen Buddhism through the eyes of a programmer.)

))) I am zen myself.


Yuriy Zaytsev: 

Corruption at all echelons flourishes

Denis Sartakov:
What are the organs looking at?

Corruption is such a wonderful word: explains absolutely everything in life, and most importantly allows you to hide the real problems, that is the main point of this concept, especially useful in underdeveloped countries, so that the ochlos do not think about the real problems.

Let us take medicine as a concrete example.

This year the destruction of the Soviet medicine, the purpose of which was to treat people, was completed. For bad or for good, the aim was to cure people.

Today Russian medicine no longer has such a purpose to "treat".

Since this year, medicine is a service which, naturally, must make a profit. Profit is the meaning of the society in which we live, and now of medicine. What does it have to do with "treating", what does it have to do with people in general. PROFIT has deprived millions of people of health care in small communities that have had something to keep them going since Soviet times. All this is called "cost optimisation". Today the destruction of all this Soviet legacy is complete.

At the same time idiots, who believe that for money they will be given medical care, are extremely widespread. Why should they? Why would they think that? These idiots come to an organisation for which they are solely for wool and meat. But to suggest that it is impossible to buy "treatment" for money in an organization whose raison d'être is profit does not fit in the minds of these people with a stomach instead of a brain.


About 5 or 7 years ago, it was reported that doctors in one of the leading clinics in Moscow checked the financial situation of patients, and then tricked them into paying. If patients refused, they were prescribed medicines which made their condition worse. A friend of mine was caught in this mix, when she foolishly drove a BMW to the hospital. While being treated for a perfectly treatable illness she began to die. Luckily for her she had a doctor daughter, who to her surprise saw the deterioration and inquired about the prescriptions. The mother was taken out with the cops - the guards would not let her out.

The daughter's clinic did not deal with the disease and she was treated very quickly and she is alive to this day.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

You're lucky you don't live in the US, where an appendectomy costs more than $50,000.

Is that if you have appendicitis?

And if you don't have appendicitis, how much would it cost to remove it? Or let's say it's removed again...

The emphasis was not on the cost of services, but on the nastiness of some doctors, and unfortunately, there are a lot of them.

Basically, this approach started a long time ago. At the very least I know that this is how they used to work and many continue to work on car repairs. If you are not covered by insurance or warranty, prepare for a "scam".

But repairing a non-existent breakdown is not the same as curing a non-existent illness.... Can you call that corruption? I don't know.