Interesting and Humour - page 3732

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Yes... John Lenon was a simple guy, drove a simple Rolls-Royce Limo.

But in general progress has moved on of course, we live better now than the English in the 1960s.

Then you'd have to compare how the English live now with the '60s.
СанСаныч Фоменко:

McCartney lived a much better life than millions of Britons

Thank you, SanSanych. It quenched the thirst for nostalgia - as if I had read Pravda newspaper from the 60s and 70s of the last century.

You are an incorrigible apologist of developed socialism and the CPSU! :-)
Российские физики запустили гетерогенную квантовую сеть
Российские физики запустили гетерогенную квантовую сеть
  • 2017.05.23
  • Сергей Андреев
Уникальная по всем показателям сеть развёрнута на базе обычной оптоволоконной линии между двумя отделениями Газпромбанка в Москве. Физики Российского квантового центра запустили сеть, на первом участке которой реализуется поляризационное кодирование, на втором — фазовое. Использование квантовых сетей при обмене данных между банками — пример...

Found their comrade who disappeared a year ago )))

Alexey Viktorov:
And how similar to a Khrushchev kitchen...

it's not - in khrushchevkas the kitchen was smaller - it's bourgeois in size

in ours - the photographer could only take close-ups - such a shot could only come from the corridor - and here it's almost full-length and clearly not from the corridor

Yuriy Zaytsev:

It doesn't look like it - in Khrushchevs the kitchen was smaller - it's a bourgeois size

in ours - the photographer could only take close-ups - such a shot could only come from the corridor - and here it's almost full-length and clearly not from the corridor

35mm lens, from a meter and a half. That's gotta be it.
Alexander Antoshkin:
not true, it's an orangutan chimpanzee hiring workers to pick bananas.
I wish you'd drawn a cuerca.)