Interesting and Humour - page 3730

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

everyone earns as much as they can.)

Remember you're in the forex business,

i can't tell you how much money you're making :)

What's wrong with sheep farmers who sell to the state what they already have? )


You can poke at just about anyone here like that. Some even sell for a pretty penny what has been lying around freely in the codabase for a long time.)))


By the way, is it possible to come up with something in this topic(operating systems) that hasn't already been thought of?

something radically new

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

By the way, is it possible to think of something in this topic (operating systems) that hasn't already been thought of?

something radically new

There are numerous operating systems, ranging in size from a few kilobytes to tens of gigabytes. All of them perform one task - to provide an environment for executing programs on physical hardware. Perhaps there is nothing new to be invented at present.

The next stage will be creation of dynamic operating systems adaptable to run on any hardware, generation of runtime environment on the fly and generation of interfaces for interaction with humans. Next - humans will cease to be needed at all, machines will start creating machines, as the OS will correct errors in the code by itself, this means self-awareness, self-identification. Usually AI is understood as some code working in some OS, in fact it will be the OS itself.

Already some specialists predict extinction of the programmer profession in the near future due to the above mentioned reasons.

To imagine such an OS one can think of procedural games, procedural virtual worlds, for example, which do not have in them ready-made templates in the form of three-dimensional vertex models and textures. Such games take a few kilobytes of memory but have a full three-dimensional graphics. The same will be approximately the same with the new generation OS, new images of consciousness will be created dynamically without the use of patterns of behavior prescribed in the code, it is the same as the behavior of living creatures.

Оригинальный Apple-1 1976 года продан за 7 млн рублей
Оригинальный Apple-1 1976 года продан за 7 млн рублей
  • 2017.05.21
  • Софья Кадочникова
Предполагалось, что один из восьми до сих пор работающих Apple-1 будет продан за $180–300 тысяч, так как после смерти Стива Джобса в 2011 году вся продукция IT-гиганта, к разработке которой он приложил руку, сильно выросла в цене. Однако окончательная цена оказалась существенно меньше нижней отметки прогнозов — лишь $ 130 000. Последним...

Specialists at the Stavropol Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Husbandry have developed their own operating system, Ivan OC.

When I read the news, I thought it was a belated April Fool's joke. But no, it's true.

Now I am waiting for the Research Institute of Precision Engineering to write a new score for the ballet "The Nutcracker", and for Gnesinka to develop a new laser gun :-)


Experts of the Stavropol Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding have developed their own operating system, Ivan OC. It is already installed on almost all computers at the research institute, writes don24. Denis Belov, head of the institute's information technology laboratory, said that the main reason for the appearance of their own operating system was the import substitution strategy. The name was chosen to create an internationally recognizable brand, while at the same time reflecting the fact that the development came from Russia.

Interesting: iPad, iPhone and nothing else in the world like it (originally from Russia) - Ivan. ))

Well then why not just "Ivan" OS ?


Summer, good morning


Experts of the Stavropol Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding have developed their own operating system, Ivan OC. It is already installed on almost all computers at the research institute, writes don24. Denis Belov, head of the institute's information technology laboratory, said that the main reason for the appearance of their own operating system was the import substitution strategy. The name was chosen to create an internationally recognizable brand, while at the same time reflecting the fact that the development came from Russia.

Awesome... 40 million to rebuild linux and stick the logo on it... the dodgers are just that...