Interesting and Humour - page 3461

Dmitry Fedoseev:

A prince is a state of mind

I very much agree.

I was once taught English by a Canadian-born woman who married our military after the war and moved to the USSR. She taught English idiom. One day she asks: Who is a rich man? Socialism is blooming outdoors, the stipend is 42 roubles 75 kopecks...

We answer: billionaire - she shakes her head negatively, factory owner .... Who knows what they are. In her opinion, it's all wrong.

Then she asks: if she was rich, and then she went bankrupt, would she still be rich? We started laughing, it was silly.

And she goes on. What if you're broke and have debts?

And then she says: a rich person stays rich forever, because it's a mentality, a way of behaving, a circle of acquaintances... and has very little to do with money.

From what this Canadian woman with a wonderful surname Green taught, I do not remember anything, but I remember this for the rest of my life.

Everything a person has a perfect character - knowledge, experience, professional skills, habits, children, relatives ... Of course, material things can affect him, but not very much. A beggar is forever a beggar. Maybe the children of a pauper who has washed up money can become rich, and not immediately, most likely after several generations.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

I very much agree.

I was once taught English by a Canadian-born woman who married our military after the war and moved to the USSR. She taught English idiom. One day she asks: Who is a rich man? Socialism is blooming outdoors, the stipend is 42 roubles 75 kopecks...

We answer: billionaire - she shakes her head negatively, factory owner .... Who knows what they are. In her opinion, it's all wrong.

Then she asks: if she was rich, and then she went bankrupt, would she still be rich? We started laughing, it was silly.

And she goes on. What if you're broke and have debts?

And then she says: a rich person stays rich forever, because it's a mentality, a way of behaving, a circle of acquaintances... and has very little to do with money.

From what this Canadian woman with a wonderful surname Green taught, I do not remember anything, but I remember this for the rest of my life.

Everything a person has a perfect character - knowledge, experience, professional skills, habits, children, relatives ... Of course, material things can affect him, but not very much. A beggar is forever a beggar. Maybe the children of a pauper who has washed up money can become rich, and not immediately, most likely after several generations.

It won't ))))
"Лаборатория Касперского" идёт войной на Microsoft
"Лаборатория Касперского" идёт войной на Microsoft
  • 2016.12.12
  • Алексей Глинкин
Причиной будущего обращения представители "Лаборатории Касперского" называют злоупотребление Microsoft доминирующим положением. По словам разработчиков, заявка будет отправлена в ЕК в течение месяца. "Мы — международная компания, и Microsoft тоже международная компания. Вопрос этот касается не только российских пользователей, но и всех рынков...

Sberbank will be privatised next .....

Голикова: Резервный фонд будет полностью исчерпан в 2017 году
Голикова: Резервный фонд будет полностью исчерпан в 2017 году
  • 2016.12.12
В 2017 году Резервный фонд будет полностью исчерпан. Об этом председатель Счетной палаты (СП) РФ Татьяна Голикова заявила в интервью журналу «Огонек». «По расчетам бюджета, в 2017-м Резервный фонд будет исчерпан полностью, и правительство перейдет к использованию средств Фонда национального благосостояния (ФНБ). Радует то, что к резервным...
СанСаныч Фоменко:

Actually, real men should have everything of their own: a wife, children, a bicycle and even a meat grinder let alone fonts....

And also their own computer, mobile phone, operating system and internet.

And also a car of their own.


And your computer, your mobile phone, your operating system and your internet.

And also a car all to yourself.

Not so long ago that was the case.

We had our own ship, completely independent of the "civilised" world. Not only did they sneeze, but they taught the whole "civilized" world how to live by crushing their colonial system in a tough, big way. Together with their allies and satellites, they were masters of life until recently.

And then they disowned the wisdom of the khokhls, who sang all their lives: "build a hata z loboda, and in someone else's nada". We did not just sink our own ship, but we are still not tired of spitting on the place where it sank, sailing on someone else's ship in the cave, eating freedom and democracy instead of bread, and still lamenting "When will the sanctions be lifted!"

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Not long ago that was the case.

They had their own ship, completely independent of the "civilised" world. Not only did they sneeze, but they taught the whole "civilised" world how to live by breaking up their colonial system in a tough, big way. Together with their allies and satellites, they were masters of life until recently.

And then they disowned the wisdom of the khokhls, who sang all their lives: "build a hata z loboda, and in someone else's nada". We did not just sink our own ship, and we do not tire of spitting on the place where it sank, we sail on someone else's ship in the cave, we eat freedom and democracy instead of bread, and we still whine "When will the sanctions be lifted!"

I mean, the satellite countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, the GDR, etc. - weren't, like, colonies?

And the tanks in the streets of Prague and Budapest weren't suppression of the natives' uprisings against the colonisers?


P.S. The ship was and sailed. But "completely independent" - if you don't count the annual bread shipments from the countries of the "rotting bourgeoisie", without which there was nothing to eat on the ship...

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Oh, I also forgot - the walls on the ship were high. That's so that those who sailed on it wouldn't escape from it....


Стальную броню на военной технике предложили заменить песком
Стальную броню на военной технике предложили заменить песком
  • 2016.12.12
  • Иван Ортега
Учёные из Национального университета Сингапура провели серию экспериментов и выяснили, что песок останавливает высокоскоростные снаряды и пули лучше, чем сталь сравнимой массы. Они предполагают использовать его в составе композитной брони для частичной замены металлов. О соответствующих опытах сообщается в пресс-релизе университета...
Dmitry Fedoseev:

You should... read it before discussing it)))) It does say that fonts have already been developed:

Astra is a completely different typeface.