Interesting and Humour - page 3443

Путин поставил целью достичь инфляции в 4%
Путин поставил целью достичь инфляции в 4%
  • 2016.12.01
Москва. 1 декабря. INTERFAX.RU - Инфляция в следующем году может достичь плановых показателей и составить 4%, заявил президент РФ Владимир Путин в послании Федеральному Собранию. "Напомню, что самая низкая инфляция зафиксирована в 2011 году - 6,1%. Повторяю еще раз: в этом году может быть меньше даже, это значит, что в следующем мы...
Data on Russian Internet activity should belong to the state, said Natalia Kasperskaya, CEO of InfoWatch, which was mentioned in connection with the Russian authorities' intention to decrypt all encrypted traffic. Kasperskaya is also a member of the IT + Sovereignty working group under the presidential administration.

In an interview with TASS, Kasperskaya said the data did not belong to the users themselves: "My opinion is that this data should be the property of the state, because users do not possess this data. The user let it go into the information space and whatever he wrote there leaked out. So it is not their property." Among such data, she listed all the information ordinary users collect through information technology: search queries, geolocation, contacts, users' correspondence, photos and videos.

She stressed that now many of the companies that collect "big data" of Russians are foreign. "The fact that other countries are freely downloading this information and know the movements of all our citizens, know what they are thinking and their political preferences is wrong," she pointed out. In her view, if the data were the property of the state, this could be avoided.

>"Мое мнение, что эти данные должны являться собственностью государства, потому что пользователи этими данными не обладают. Пользователь отпустил их в информационное пространство, и утекло все, что он там написал. Значит, это не их принадлежность."

Одежда на россиянах является собственностью государства, потому что, выйдя на улицу, россияне этой одеждой не обладают. Россиянин надел ее на улицу, а значит, он вынес все, что на нем надето. Значит, это не его принадлежность.


A sucker's mobile phone is the property of the guys, because he takes it out of his hut. The sucker carries it to the street, so he carries it to us. He can't justify that it's his.

Let's look at the situation from the other side, gentlemen! After all, if she is right, the state has no right to imprison/punish/punish/etc. citizens for extremism/fascism/calls for change of government/insulting the feelings of believers on the Internet, because "everything they wrote there is no longer their property", so the citizen has nothing to do with the whole list! Isn't that a miracle! :)))

Касперская: "большие данные россиян" должны принадлежать государству
Касперская: "большие данные россиян" должны принадлежать государству
МОСКВА, 29 ноября. /Корр. ТАСС Екатерина Казаченко/. "Большие пользовательские данные" россиян в интернете должны быть признаны собственностью государства. Об этом заявила ТАСС гендиректор InfoWatch Наталья Касперская, которая также возглавляет подгруппу "Интернет + Общество" при рабочей группе помощника президента РФ Игоря Щеголева. По словам...
«Налог на Google» оплатят российские пользователи
«Налог на Google» оплатят российские пользователи
  • 2016.12.01
  • Ведомости
Компания начала уведомлять клиентов о включении НДС в их счета
Двухсторонняя скульптура – Мефистофель и Маргарита. Хайдарабад, Индия
Двухсторонняя скульптура – Мефистофель и Маргарита. Хайдарабад, Индия - viktor skurko - Google+
Igor Konyashin:
Data on Russian Internet activity should belong to the state, said Natalia Kasperskaya, the CEO of InfoWatch, which was cited in connection with the Russian authorities' intention to decrypt all encrypted traffic. Kasperskaya is also a member of the IT + Sovereignty working group under the presidential administration.

In an interview with TASS, Kasperskaya said the data did not belong to the users themselves: "My opinion is that this data should be the property of the state, because users do not possess this data. The user let it go into the information space and whatever he wrote there leaked out. So it is not their property." Among such data, she listed all the information ordinary users collect through information technology: search queries, geolocation, contacts, users' correspondence, photos and videos.

She stressed that now many of the companies that collect "big data" of Russians are foreign. "The fact that other countries are freely downloading this information and know the movements of all our citizens, know what they are thinking and their political preferences is wrong," she pointed out. In her view, if the data were the property of the state, this could be avoided.

Kaspersky are bending to the authorities, they want to score points for themselves....

and the idea is inherently pernicious: maybe I want my data to be stored in another country and they restrict my right to do so.

in any case, large companies will just put a server and say that, well, profiles are allegedly stored in russia now.

but it is physically and logically most likely impossible to separate storage and processing of this data on other servers in other data centres

that would be great........ but I don't believe it......