Interesting and Humour - page 344

I didn't run away. There's a different Bear.
I wonder why he looks so much like a bot, frankly, he can't do your job.)
I wonder why he looks so much like a bot. Honestly, he can't do your job.)
And I'm gonna fire him.
For some reason, the authorities have not bothered to move Article 31 of the constitution to the 32nd place.

can you believe it?
Today in the bus a guy made a proposal to a girl))) it was sooooo cute) I was part of it :D

In short, I got into a minibus near VDNH and there was a guy who was explaining some kind of strategy to everybody. When I got on, he said: "Young lady, could you help me too, if it's not too much trouble? Naturally, I said yes.
The plan was this: when the very same girl gets on, he will give us a signal (honestly, I have no idea how he knew that she was getting on that exact bus, but okay), and we will go about our business (listening to music, looking out the window, reading a book), saying nice words...HE SNITTS IN THE REAR Seat with Flowers)
and then she comes in...sits in the back of the driver...and then the tale just begins :D The guy, playing on his phone, says out loud: "You know, he recently realized that you're the one he's been waiting for all his're the one he wants to meet his old age with" (and then there's a deadpan silence, the girl laughs, thinking "what an idiot!")...and then the driver continued: "He wants you to give him a son so much, just you..." and then some more people, and it got to me!) I, looking out the window, said: "He doesn't want to lose you, Yul. Leaving even for a moment, he already misses you...he can't imagine his life without you"...The girl was already crying, because she got it...and then the guy gets up, goes over to her, gets down on one knee, and you know what words he says to her...) my heart was pounding so fast, it was like an offer...ahah!
And she was in shock for about 20 seconds and said, "I'm in. You are such an idiot. I love you so much"...

I replied, that's the nicest thing I've ever seen in my life... I was smiling like a fool all the way home) dreaming of meeting someone as crazy as me.
