Interesting and Humour - page 3406

Alexey Volchanskiy:
So, something happened that no one expected. No, really! Just a week ago there was a rather sharp note about untouchability of "new nobility" and here is a rather unexpected result.

Russia's Economic Development Minister Alexey Ulyukayev has been arrested! And arrested, according to the Investigative Committee, for a trivial bribe. Although the word "trivial" doesn't really fit here. Big, "trivial" people take bribes that are not "trivial" either.

let's see now whether or not VIP justice works..... wait for the show....
Alexandr Saprykin:


The T-800's great-grandfather has Russian T-34 roots

One face, isn't it!

Alexey Busygin:

The great-grandfather of the T-800 has Russian T-34 roots.

The same face, isn't it!

american ))))


Американские учёные пожаловались на низкое качество государственной конопли
Американские учёные пожаловались на низкое качество государственной конопли
  • 2016.11.15
  • Иван Ортега
Американские исследователи установили, что марихуана, используемая для научных работ, резко отличается от той, которой торгуют на улицах и (в тех штатах, где это легально) в магазинах. Это означает, что многие десятки исследований, анализирующих медицинские эффекты от приёма наркотика, могут быть основаны на неверных данных. Как следствие, они...
Alexey Volchanskiy:
So, something happened that no one expected. No, really! Just a week ago there was a rather sharp note about untouchability of "new nobility" and here is a rather unexpected result.

Russia's Economic Development Minister Alexey Ulyukayev has been arrested! And arrested, as the Investigative Committee reported, for a trivial bribe. Although the word "trivial" does not really fit here. Big, "trivial" people take bribes that are not "trivial" either.

This reminds me of the Discovery Channel. There's a show called ALL ABOUT FISHING.

There's catching a fish, then letting it off the hook and ostentatiously releasing it into the water.

This is roughly how we fight corruption.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

This reminds me of the Discovery Channel. There's a programme called ALL ABOUT FISHING.

They catch a fish, then take it off the hook and ostentatiously release it into the water.

That's how we fight corruption.

It's a good collage, but you have to do either an alpha channel for the hook or a larger size to blend the two parts of the picture
This is a good collage, but you need either an alpha channel for the hook or a larger size to harmonize the 2 parts of the picture.
This is not the beauty of it!
The fish was taken off the hook so carefully - not even a single drop of blood, not even a torn lip.
Home arrest, BRAVO!
I imagine a mere mortal with knocked out teeth, kidneys, and of course in a cell, not in his slippers at home in front of the TV and with a glass of cognac.
So what about 2 million quid, with a declaration of 51 million in 2014 and 74 million in 2015, so what about the petty cash he asked for, just his annual income.

Note - the whole country is in the po...nah - even in the po...nah, but the rulers have higher incomes in 15 years :-)

All this also supports the thesis:

They catch a fish, then take it off the hook and ostentatiously release it into the water.

This is how we fight corruption.

Anatoli Kazharski:
There are billions of ducks in China, just like the Chinese)))
Alexandr Saprykin:
There are billions of ducks in China.)
Well, there's something to eat, too.