Interesting and Humour - page 3407


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Alekseu Fedotov:
Well, you have to eat something, too.
What to eat was invented by the Chinese in the 16th century. Chinese E-fu noodles. The first instant noodles.
Sergey Golubev:

Author not found

There was a recent study in the US - how much meat is in the cutlets used by the nation's biggest fast food outlets to make burgers. McDonald's was in the study there too.

So the highest figure was less than 30% meat in a cutlet.

So that's enough cows for McDonald's for several states.....

Yuriy Zaytsev:
That is not the beauty of it!
The fish was taken off the hook so carefully - not even a single drop of blood, not even a torn lip.
Home arrest, BRAVO!
I imagine a mere mortal with knocked out teeth, kidneys, and of course in a cell, not in his slippers at home in front of the TV and with a glass of cognac.
So what about 2 million quid, with a declaration of 51 million in 2014 and 74 million in 2015, so what about the petty cash he asked for, just his annual income.

Pay attention - the whole country is in the sh... hole - even in the sh... hole, but the rulers have higher incomes in 15 years :-)

All this also supports the thesis:

They catch a fish, then let it off the hook and ostentatiously release it into the water.

This is the way the fight against corruption is going on in our country.

what can you do, it's an old tradition here
Oil and petrol

К "Яндексу" подали иск почти на 2 млрд рублей
К "Яндексу" подали иск почти на 2 млрд рублей
  • 2016.11.15
  • Алексей Глинкин
Российский музыкальный стриминговый сервис подал иск к компании "Яндекс" на сумму $29 млн. Причиной этому могло стать нарушение письменных договорённостей, в которых "Яндексу" запрещалось нанимать представитель "Яндекса" Ася Мелкумова подтвердила возможное...

Russia releases its own operating system

В России выпустили свою операционную систему
В России выпустили свою операционную систему
  • 2016.11.15
В появилась первая полноценная отечественная операционная система. Разработка «Лаборатории » Kaspersky OS может стать «событием номер один 2016 года» в сфере IT. Первым устройством, выпущенным под новой «операционкой», стал роутер производства российской компании Kraftway. За последние десять лет в России было создано более десятка...
Vladimir Karputov:

Russia releases its own operating system

You can think of anything! The question is whether it will catch on or not.


It's a formula for calculating the cost of petrol with free oil :)