Interesting and Humour - page 3337


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"Картина" (Мультфильм, 1975)
"Картина" (Мультфильм, 1975)
  • 2010.08.13
Автор сценария: Э.Успенский.Читает: Г.Хазанов О том, как трудно художнику Иванову в мире мещан, ничего не понимающих в сюрреализме! ))
Alexander Laur:

Was the WADA database hacked?

Jeansa. Shitty jeans.
WADA IT specialists have opened up the ADAMS database to the public themselves<br / translate="no">
The Fancy Bear guys were in the right place at the right time, and that's all WADA can charge them with.
Where's the logic in that? :) First the information went public, then the hackers showed up? :) Then why did they hack when the information is already public? :) Are they retarded? Or, first they hacked, and then the information - thanks to company employees - became publicly available? So there was hacking after all? :)
Denim. Shit denim.
What is denim?
I'm a jolly cockroach


The most accurate definition of Trend:

The trend is the thickened part where the 'spindle' of the anchor ends. The lower edge of the trend is called the 'heel'. Two horns are attached to the trend, which in some types of anchor can be movable


Sergey Golubev:

Can pigeons read?

I can see why monuments to writers are covered in pigeons. Well, birds don't like their works. ))))

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The Internet is replete with articles with the headline, for example -

So I came across a couple of recent articles like that ... There were so many such articles on the internet and there was such an uproar that probably many men (and the priority, according to the publications, is men from North Africa) were going to Iceland.

And it turns out none of this is true ... The Icelandic government has given a rebuttal to the news, saying that there are 1007 men per 1000 women in Iceland, and that although there are 985 men per 1000 women in the capital city, there are 1129 men per 1000 women in other parts of the country.

Foreign correspondents started to find out who was the author of this "duck" and they found out who published it on the internet, but it was too late because the news about 5 thousand dollars a month for getting married was translated to all languages of the world and thousands if not millions of men are going to Iceland (I think, on the way ...).

This is how simple, easy (and free) it is to redirect the flow of migrants to any country in the world.
Post of the month
=breaking news about iceland country incredible but true if you are interested read the full story iceland team was able to achieve an unprecedented achievement in the European after sending England packing Iceland will hope to spring an even more dramatic surprise on one of Europe’s footballing superpowers in the quarter finals as they take on...