Interesting and Humour - page 3336

From the genre - "non-fictional" stories
Has anyone ever wondered which came first - the machine tool that makes the tool or the tool that is used to make the parts/machines?
Vladimir Tkach:
Has anyone ever wondered which came first - the machine tool that makes the tool or the tool used to make the part/machine?
If the machine is made byReplicating Rapid Prototyper then the machine came first. For example, a 3D printer can be used to print parts for the same 3D printer.
Vladimir Tkach:
Has anyone ever wondered which came first - the machine tool that makes the tools or the tool that is used to make the parts/machines?
The chicken hasn't been dealt with yet and they're already going for machine tools...
Vladimir Tkach:
Has anyone ever wondered which came first - the machine tool that makes the tool or the tool used to make the parts/machines?

What's there to think about? The tool came first. The machine appeared when it was necessary to reproduce such tools over and over again. Programmers must understand it: first - the process, and only then - its automation.)

It is another matter that the tool made by hand was most probably of low quality. If we start from the point of view of what appeared first - a quality tool or a machine, the answer is quite the opposite - a machine tool.

Alexander Voronkov:

What's up on the chicken, who's first?

Интересное и Юмор
Интересное и Юмор
  • reviews: 1
Форум трейдеров
10 лучших фотографий рукотворных объектов из космоса
10 лучших фотографий рукотворных объектов из космоса
Книга Бенджамина Гранта «Вид сверху: новая перспектива» (Overview: A New Perspective) — это коллекция лучших спутниковых фотографий всего, что создано человеком. Аэропорты...

Can pigeons read?

Авторы исследования измерили показатели голубей и сравнили их с показателями бабуинов и людьми. В результате, оказалось, что голуби умеют различать анаграммы на уровне, который «больше сравним с образованными людьми, чем с бабуинами».

Голуби умеют читать?
Голуби умеют читать?
Исследование опубликовано в журнале Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Авторы исследования измерили показатели голубей и сравнили их с показателями бабуинов и людьми. В результате, оказалось, что голуби умеют различать анаграммы на уровне, который «больше сравним с образованными людьми, чем с бабуинами». Метод для измерения был...
- If you love it, let it go, if it's yours, it'll come back, if not, it was never yours

- No, let's go to the station.


- A bottle of beer, please.
- Got a passport?
- No.
- Poplar fluff?
- It's hot, July.
- Bullfinches?
- Not weights.
- I see. What do you want?


- Hello! We're starting the seminar "How to make a million rubles in one day". A question for the audience. How much did the ticket for the seminar cost?
- One thousand rubles.
- And how many seats in this room?
- One thousand.
- Thank you, this seminar is over.


You look for me with your eyes in the crowd, but you don't find me because I'm at home sitting on the sofa.


- Why are you always so happy?
- Shall I tell him our secret?
- Come on.
- We're stupid.

Artist Sergey Zagarovsky - pencil drawings.
He is known for a character he created - a death-girl named Belaya.

"My name is Sergey Zagarovsky, I was born in 1976 on May 29. I was born in a small border town Blagoveshchensk. In 1993 I finished school and joined the army in 1994. After the army, in 1996 he entered the Blagoveshchensk Teacher Training College, in 1999, received a diploma as a teacher of drawing, but the school did not go to work. From 1999 to 2010 he worked in the furniture industry. In 2011, he moved with his family to Moscow. In the same year opened a small pavilion in the shopping center and now I have a lot of time began to draw, paint, draw and put on the Internet, as the creative spirit did not give me rest. Had the opportunity in the same year to participate in an international competition of contemporary art which took second place. Also in 2009 had his solo exhibition in the city of Vladivostok. In 2012, he painted his debut album German group MOROK. As has designed two albums Far Eastern rock group KB-Revolution and illustrated a poetry collection of Andrey Chernyshev. I dream to make a personal exhibition in Moscow and I move towards my dream, slowly but surely."


Shnur and Dicaprio:

The Labyrinth of Destiny:

Образ 'девочки-смерти' по имени Белая. Художник Загаровский Сергей
Образ 'девочки-смерти' по имени Белая. Художник Загаровский Сергей
Немного забегая вперед, несмотря на всю "ужасность" тематики смерти и ее изображения, рисунки Загаровского Сергея все же отличается добротой, драматизмом и интересной фантазией. Причем, на саму смерть начинаешь смотреть немного под другим углом. Наверняка, многие скажут, как можно вдохновляться смертью? Тут даже дело не в самой смерти, а...