Interesting and Humour - page 3335

And this is Rolando Villazon (a Mexican opera singer) singing Lensky's aria in Russian... I think Russian is like Chinese to us. But he did it!

Manowar is an American heavy metal rock band (Wikipedia info here).


In Kaliningrad, a small kitten fell out of an SUV, which was travelling at high speed, directly onto the roadway.
From the shock, the kitten did not try to escape in any way, but simply sat on the road.
The kitten miraculously escaped the fatal danger when finally one of the cars stopped and the driver rescued the baby.
Denis Degtyarev, who rescued the kitten, said: "The kitten turned out to be quite small, he can't even eat yet, so I took him to the sports school where my children are engaged, and with the help of kind people we found him a new home."

Dude got himself a ram.
Dude got himself a ram. A big beastie. Instead of a house, they put a snag in the loggia, with the ability to enter the room. But for three years, the monitor lizard has never used its right to transit in the flat; it would only go down from the snags to the floor just to eat. In general, it is not a pet, but a decoration: it sits on the loggia, keeps silent, breathes.

And suddenly one day the owner came out on the balcony, awkwardly turned around, swung his arms sharply - and the wolf bites his hand. It scratched him badly, to the point of bleeding. The wound is shallow, but painful, began to fester. The owner went to the doctor, told him about the crawler, the doctor treated the wound, told him to bandage it up and said there was nothing dangerous.
The owner comes home and he hears some strange noises. This creature, who had been sitting peacefully on the balcony for three years, like Ilya on the stove, had come down and was clawing at the floor of the room. And it is not just scratching, but walking purposefully towards its master!

And so it goes: where the man, the ram goes. The man goes to bed and the ram sits by the headboard and looks at his master. And how he looks at him! Like a battered dog, even though he's a varan. Eyes full of tears, sad muzzle, they say, forgive me, bastard, I didn't want, I will not any more! In a word, the little beast is being tormented with guilt. The master also felt awkward, and he began to calm the ram, to stroke him - no tears, I forgave you, and I do not hold a grudge, and everything is already healing, and in general we will live as before - soul to soul....
And the beast sits and sheds its tears, and does not listen to any persuasions.

So, the owner went to a reptile specialist. Like, help me, help - my monitor has a guilt complex, he is suffering, from a bowl does not eat, on the snag does not sit, everywhere he goes after me and crying and does not listen to persuasion. The specialist listened to the story and said:

- What guilt these creatures have! After a varan has bitten you, it follows you around expecting you to die soon and it will eat you. It has a slow-acting, mildly toxic venom that takes a long time to kill its prey... That's their eating habits....

and that's where the dude gets it. He's been nurturing the bastard on the loggia for three years. And then he spent three more weeks convincing him of his eternal love and friendship. And the bastard is sitting there with a sad face, waiting for him to die! And the man got so twisted that he took his friend to the zoo and left him there.

// Friends, I don't know about you, but I laughed myself to tears.


I'll just leave it here. More than twenty years have passed, and how relevant ...

Vladimir Zubov:

I'll just leave it here. More than twenty years have passed, and how relevant ...

Favorite DDT song.

On the role of personality in history. Meet Diego, a sexually overactive 100-year-old turtle who saved his species from extinction. He is a member of the species Chelonoidis hoodensis, which lives only on Española, the southernmost of the Galapagos Islands. Fifty years ago there were only two males and 12 females left on the island. That's when Diego, who was found in a zoo and returnedto the Galapagos Islandsas a volunteer, stepped inand fathered 40 per cent of the young.

Over the years, the Chelonoidis hoodensis reintroduction programme has released around two thousand turtles into the wild. Six years ago, scientists carried out a genetic study, which concluded that Diego accounts for about 800 of them. Diego now lives with six females: the job is hard, but someone has to do it, right?

Here he is - a shining example of civic responsibility, where a turtle doesn't whine, but solves problems. It is not known for sure if love can save the world, but it has definitely helped the Galapagos tortoises. (с)

Dude got himself a ram.
Dude got himself a ram. A big beastie. Instead of a house, they put a snag in the loggia, with the ability to enter the room. But for three years, the monitor lizard has never used its right to transit in the flat; it would only go down from the snags to the floor just to eat. In general, it is not a pet, but a decoration: it sits on the loggia, keeps silent, breathes.

And suddenly one day the owner came out on the balcony, awkwardly turned around, swung his arms sharply - and the wolf bites his hand. It scratched him badly, to the point of bleeding. The wound is shallow, but painful, began to fester. The owner went to the doctor, told him about the crawler, the doctor treated the wound, told him to bandage it up and said there was nothing dangerous.
The owner comes home and he hears some strange noises. This creature, who had been sitting peacefully on the balcony for three years, like Ilya on the stove, had come down and was clawing at the floor of the room. And it is not just scratching, but walking purposefully towards its master!

And so it goes: where the man goes, the ram goes. The man goes to bed and the ram sits by the headboard and looks at his master. And how he looks at him! Like a battered dog, even though he's a varan. Eyes full of tears, sad muzzle, they say, forgive me, bastard, I didn't want, I will not any more! In a word, the little beast is being tormented with guilt. The master also felt awkward, and he began to calm the ram, to stroke him - no tears, I forgave you, and I do not hold a grudge, and everything is already healing, and in general we will live as before - soul to soul....
And the beast sits and sheds its tears, and does not listen to any persuasions.

So, the owner went to a reptile specialist. Like, help me, help - my monitor has a guilt complex, he is suffering, from a bowl does not eat, on the snag does not sit, everywhere he goes after me and crying and does not listen to persuasion. The specialist listened to the story and said:

- What guilt these creatures have! After a varan has bitten you, it follows you around expecting you to die soon and it will eat you. It has a slow-acting, mildly toxic venom that takes a long time to kill its prey... That's their eating habits....

and that's where the dude gets it. He's been nurturing the bastard on the loggia for three years. And then he spent three more weeks convincing him of his eternal love and friendship. And the bastard is sitting there with a sad face, waiting for him to die! And the man got so twisted that he took his friend to the zoo and left him there.

// Friends, I don't know about you, but I laughed myself to tears.

I told this story to the guests now, even the little kids laughed!