Interesting and Humour - page 3315


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Didn't expect to see that on IPTV)


The new Sharikovs: a generation of the functionally illiterate

The main features and signs of functional illiteracy:

1) Функционально неграмотные граждане избегают сложных задач, заранее уверены в провале, не имеют мотивации браться за более трудные задачи, повторяют одни и те же системные ошибки.

2) Such people often try to 'excuse themselves' from any intellectual tasks, citing either a runny nose, busyness or fatigue.

3) Honestly admit that they don't like to read.

4) Ask others to explain the meaning of a text or task algorithm to them.

5) Attempts to read are associated with severe frustration and reluctance. When reading, psychosomatic problems rapidly arise: eyes and headaches can hurt, and the urge to distract oneself with something more important immediately arises.

6) When reading, our functionally illiterate people often articulate with their lips or even sound out what they have read.

7) Have difficulty following any instruction, from shaping exercises to repairing a nuclear reactor.

8) Inability to frame and ask questions about what they have read. Unable to participate fully in discussions.

9) Very noticeable difference between what is understood by listening and what is understood from reading.

10) React to a problem caused by their own misunderstanding, either with learned helplessness, or by lashing out at others, because they do not fully understand who is right and who is wrong.

Ezhikezhik page header
Ezhikezhik page header
  • 2016.08.26
  • Ветрова Елизавета
Ученые бьют тревогу: способность понимать тексты, критически оценивать представленную информацию, формулировать гипотезы и выводы демонстрирует только 2% российских учащихся. Ситуация в мире не лучше, причем не только среди школьников.

On this day:

September 5:

1698 - Peter the Great instituted a tax on the wearing of beards

1940 Pioneerskaya Pravda newspaper publishes Arkady Gaidar's story "Timur and His Crew".

1977: Voyager 1, an unmanned probe exploring the solar system, is launched into space and is currently the furthest man-made object from Earth.

Vladimir Zubov:

Well, there you have it, that's what you needed to prove. Don't read Soviet newspapers before lunch)

Where can you get Soviet newspapers? Only the name is left of Komsomolskaya Pravda and Moskovsky Komsomolets Soviet.

We read the aglosaxon mouthpiece the BBC.

"On the Chinese side, the contract was concluded by a company almost unknown in the aviation world. Its name, Aerospace Industry Corporation of China, is almost identical to that of the largest state aerospace corporation, Aviation Industry Corporation of China.

It was established in 2010 in Hong Kong with a relatively small registered capital for an aerospace company of 500 million Hong Kong dollars (approximately $65 million), and its website makes no mention of any aircraft construction projects, much less such a large-scale one.

The contract reminded many in Russia, Ukraine and China of the 1998 sale of the unfinished Soviet aircraft carrier Varyag to the little-known Hong Kong firm Chong Lot Travel Agency. As a result, it ended up in the hands of the Chinese defence ministry and, after being modernised, became China's first aircraft carrier.

In essence, this makes little difference. Specialists suspect China of intending to develop its aircraft using 'reverse engineering', but the text of the agreement speaks directly about technology transfer and even organization of production of the An-225 in the PRC" End quote.

For some reason the State Department is officially silent about the deal. Indeed, the U.S. is investing billions of dollars in the country that sells unique technologies to its main economic rival, China. If China will start to produce Mriya, it will seriously squeeze the workhorses Boeing, which currently occupy 95% of the air cargo market, as they are by far superior in carrying capacity and maximum dimensions of transported cargo. And that hurts the historic resource for enriching the Anglo-Saxons - global logistics. Internet trade is increasingly gaining momentum in global trade. And for Mriya to deliver, at a time, a million iPhones from China, and to close the Christmas bids of an entire city or country is no problem.

Not to mention the defensive relevance of such planes and the potential possibility of launching spacecraft from the fuselage of the Mriya, without any cosmodrome. Unwittingly, Ukraine is pushing China to cooperate with Russia in aeronautics and aerospace as it adopts the Soviet technological paradigm.

In this light, the justifying tone of statements made by the Antonovs is comprehensible. It is not Russia they are justifying...

Vladimir Zubov:

Well, there you have it, that's what you needed to prove. Don't read Soviet newspapers before lunch)

Just because you highlighted in blue "completion in Ukraine" doesn't mean anything. Read in the same sentence a little further, after the semicolon "building on AICC....".

So Mriya's production could simply be transferred to a Chinese firm.

Zhang said that he does not confirm the fact of Ukrainian side transferring the documentation for production, and how do you imagine the creation of a production line for aircraft assembly without technical documentation?

And in the end nobody cancelled Chinese reverse engineering as a last resort.

Vladimir Zubov:

Forget it.

You want to beat TV into people's brains - you won't do it without a lobotomy.

Alexandr Saprykin:

You're absolutely right!

It's all gone!

It's sold out!

It's horrible!

Just calm down...

Vaughn, look - there are two new threads on the forum where you haven't written a single pointless post!


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Interesting and Humorous

Karputov Vladimir, 2016.09.05 11:01

On this day:

September 5:

1698 - Peter the Great established a tax on the wearing of beards

1940 - Pioneerskaya Pravda newspaper started publishing Arkady Gaidar's story "Timur and His Crew".

1977 Voyager 1, an unmanned probe exploring the solar system, is launched into space. It is currently the furthest man-made object from Earth.

5 September

1666 - The Great Fire of London, which lasted for 3 days, ends. Some 10,000 buildings burned, with only 16 known deaths.

1800 - Britain invaded Malta.

1958 - The novel Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak is published for the first time in the United States.

1990 - IBM announced the ESCON serial optical interface for the first time.


You're absolutely right!

It's all gone!

It's sold out!

It's horrible!

Just calm down...

Vaughn, look - there are two new threads on the forum where you haven't written a single meaningless post!

That's probably because I write meaningful posts.

P.S. Are you following me?


take it easy