Interesting and Humour - page 3071

An old video, but maybe someone hasn't seen it)

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Мутко говорит на английском - Mutko speaks English
Мутко говорит на английском - Mutko speaks English
  • 2015.05.29
ЧАСТЬ 2 тут «Tomorrow будет Euro association». Мутко снова говорит на английском. 28 мая министр спорта России Ви...

From one car forum:

I have 1985 Honda Assonde, engine B18A, body CA2. So, what - something started to flounder carb - does anyone have its scheme or something similar.
Thank you so much in advance!

At the April 1985 plenum of the CPSU Central Committee.
Mikhail Gorbachev was unanimously elected General Secretary...
Then there was the acceleration of social and economic development...
a separate flat for every Soviet family...
fight against alcoholism...
First Congress of People's Deputies - Sobchak, Sakharov, the country by the TVs...
"Boris, you are wrong! "...
my first wedding...
Pavlov's reform...
empty shops...
"for health reasons"...
Belovezhskaya Pushcha...
Tricolour flag over the White House...
Gaidar, new money, new prices...
new money again...
tanks on the bridge, the White House fire...
new money again...
joint ventures...
stock exchanges...
MMM with a butterfly...
black Tuesday...
the first Chechnya...
my divorce...
my second wedding...
the 21st century began...
baby in first grade...

And this Honda just now "something started to go wrong with the carburetor"?



The planet MARS has long attracted people's attention with its highly visible blood-red colour. Because of this colour it got its name - Mars. So the ancient Romans called the ancient Greek god of war, Ares.

* * *

The god Ares, son of Zeus and Hera, loved nothing but war. Nothing pleased his heart more than fierce battles and bloody wars between nations. Armed with a sword and a huge shield, with a helmet on his head, he was furiously running among the fighting and wildly rejoicing as he watched the bloodied warriors falling with groans and sobs. He rejoiced when he could stab a warrior with his sword and see the hot blood pouring from his wounds. Blinded by his cruelty, the god Ares killed indiscriminately, and the more corpses he saw on the battlefield, the greater his joy at it.
No-one liked the god Ares. Even Zeus repeatedly told him that if Ares was not his son he would have been in dark Tartarus to suffer there with the titans. Ares had only two faithful helpers and companions: Eris, the Goddess of Discord, and Enyuo, the Goddess of Murder. Only they loved Ares and obeyed his wishes, going wherever he sent them to sow discord and murder among men. And behind them, in the whirlwind of war, Ares himself moved, rejoicing at the sight of blood being spilled before his eyes.
More than once Ares was defeated and had to leave the battlefield defeated. But he was defeated by Athena Pallada, Zeus' militant daughter, defeated by her wisdom and awareness of her power. She stood calmly before Ares, covered by a brilliant helmet and a huge shield, and with her long sharp spear she drew Ares to flight and made him flee into the mountains. As soon as the god of war himself had fled from the battlefield, the war ended and people began to live in peace and prosperity once more.


In 1877, during the great confrontation of the planet Mars, the American astronomer Asaph Hall discovered two satellites of this planet. Following the tradition in astronomy, he named them Phobos and Deimos (Fear and Terror).
Both satellites of Mars are relatively small celestial bodies. They can only be observed with large telescopes, which were not available in the 17th and 18th centuries, so it seems surprising that Johannes Kepler speculated as early as the early 17th century that the planet Mars had two satellites (i.e. about 270 years before they were actually discovered!). Even more surprising is that 150 years before their discovery, in 1727, the brilliant English satirist Jonathan Swift was quite accurate in indicating the distance of Mars to both of its satellites.
Even today, the satellites of Mars attract the attention of astronomers. Because of the tidal influence of the satellites Phobos is approaching Mars and Deimos is moving away from Mars. Calculations show that in about a hundred million years, Phobos will get close enough to Mars to cross the dangerous Roche limit to end its existence because tidal forces will "tear" it into pieces of varying size.156 The debris will make a ring similar to the one that "adorns" the planet Saturn.

* * *

According to Greek mythology, the god of war Ares (Mars) had two sons who accompanied him everywhere. One of the sons was called Phobos (Fear) and the other was called Deimos (Terror). Together with their father both sons always took part in wars and battles.
According to another version of the myth, Phobos and Deimos are the names of the horses in the war chariot of Ares, the god of war. These horses raced with insane speed, so that sparks flew from under their hooves and the chariot flew with thunder and rattle on the battlefield. In it stood the cruelest of the gods, Ares, reveling in the blood spilled before his eyes.


How the myths resonate with today's realities...

Легенды и мифы о созвездиях
2 или называется величина углового смещения предмета. Годичный параллакс звезды - это угол (я), на который изменится направление на звезду, если воображаемый наблю датель переместится из центра Солнечной системы на земную орбиту (точнее, на среднее расстояние от Солнца до Земли) в направлении, перпендикулярном к направлению на звезду.    3...
Alexey Viktorov:
Yes, I went to an ordinary Soviet school.
Hm...There was no such thing in our ordinary Soviet school.


the world has a new candidate for democratic change

Saudi Arabia has raised oil prices for the US and lowered them for Europe

Саудовская Аравия повысила нефтяные цены для США и опустила для Европы
Саудовская Аравия повысила нефтяные цены для США и опустила для Европы
  • 2016.06.06
  • Фото: Ali Jarekji / Reuters
Саудовская Аравия в воскресенье, 5 июня, снизила цены на нефть для покупателей из Европы, одновременно повысив их для импортеров из США. Об этом сообщает The Wall Street Journal. Государственная нефтяная компания Saudi Aramco снизила цену барреля сырой нефти с поставками в июле на 35 центов для стран северо-западной Европы и 10 центов — для...

A historian - a non-historian who works as a theatre director

Yuriy Zaytsev:

A historian - a non-historian who works as a theatre director

who is?
Alexandr Saprykin:
Hm...In our ordinary Soviet school there was no such thing.

Or maybe there were no such students in your regular Soviet school class.

We even had one repeater in the sixth grade. And I was in the eighth grade with grades of 4 in maths and 4 in literature, history, geography, foreign language (German), PE. (German), gymnastics - 2 if I write an essay with a 3. They will give me credits and I'll go to a vocational school... just don't lower our grades... That's what I call the consequences of socialist competition. And later in life I met how they bred "heroes of socialist labor".

It's a little different now, of course, but the main thing is to pay... and you'll get a normal grade. Well, you can hire a teacher as a tutor. It would do some good, but the knowledge would not be much better.