Interesting and Humour - page 3043

John Lennon
Yoko Ono

Sergey Golubev:
John Lennon
Yoko Ono.

And a cat.
Alexandr Saprykin:

New York, 1905.

Is that thing above the pedestrian section some kind of lift?


P./S.: Found this slightly larger photo on the web - looks like it might be a signage canopy after all.


1995 vs 2015

Why do programs glitch?

Programmes glitch because you wonder about them. You should not strive to get rid of them. Patches only multiply the glitches. There is no difference between hard and software, program and programmer. Software,
that is free of glitches goes into nirvana. Programs in nirvana don't glitch, but they don't work either.

Programs glitch because they were glitched before installation, when they were other programs and on other computers. After uninstall they will become other programs again and will glitch because of the glitches they have now. Patches won't help here because everything is predetermined.

Zen Buddhism
Does a program that prints itself glitch? What does a programme that is not recorded on any medium look like? A student once asked a teacher how to get rid of glitches in programs, and the teacher gave him a CIH virus. One day another student told the teacher that he wanted a program without glitches. "Fool! - shouted the teacher," why don't you ask for a glitch-free program?", and hit him over the head with a hard drive. If you have not yet attained enlightenment, there is nothing to talk to you about.

A glitch that can be caught is not a true glitch. A patch that can be written is not a true patch.

Why ask why software glitches? We should wait for the patch!

The first program was glitch free. But wanted to go on the Apple computer and it glitched. All programs are versions of the first one and keep the glitches for compatibility purposes.

You can't ask why programs glitch. And you can't use patches either, especially western patches. One should not care about the program working, but about what happens to it after uninstall.

Programmers love programs so much that they allow them to glitch, crash and hang themselves. And in general, we should work more with glitchy programs. It won't fix the glitches, but it will make you more money.

Jehovah's Witnesses.
Only we have a real patch that fixes any glitches! And we are willing to offer it to everyone practically for free. But it won't work unless you believe it really fixes glitches. If you put the patch in and the glitches don't go away, then you haven't believed.

Programs glitch because they run on the wrong computers. We are the only ones with the right computers. A little more and we'll know how to turn them on.

Programs glitch because of a misunderstanding of the order of things. Attempts to fix them with patches, as Western barbarians do, are contrary to etiquette and should be abolished. The perfectly wise will comprehend the true meaning and necessity of glitches.

Belief in the so-called patch is a means of duping users. Software glitches are an objective law of nature and there is nothing you can do about it.

Programs glitch because of inequalities. They have different lengths, different extensions and different memory requirements. Patches won't help fight glitches because they don't eliminate the cause. We should make all programs the same, eliminate all operating systems except one, take away all users' personal computers and make one big computer instead.

It's not a glitch - it's a feature. And anyone who tries to write patches should be destroyed.

Satanism - your brains are being messed with by talking about having so-called glitches. They will offer you patches, but don't listen to them. You have your own head on your shoulders.

Orenburg 1905

For comparison... Orenburg 1905

Microsoft, 1979