Interesting and Humour - page 3034

Igor Konyashin:

In 2008, when Bilan won, were all the seats booked too? :)

And it was booked in 2008. They had to support a disintegrating Russia.

Oh, I wonder how Ukraine will host the show. How much money will they get and how much will they steal?


Day in history: 15 May

День в истории: 15 мая
День в истории: 15 мая
Булгакова называют представителем чеховской школы. Врач по образованию, в литературе он делает первые шаги в качестве сатирика, пишет рассказы, пьесы. Но с ранней молодости жизнь испытывает его на прочность – Первая мировая, куда Булгаков уходит добровольцем, революция, гражданская война, работа земским доктором, семейная неустроенность, – и в...
Alexey Viktorov:

And in 2008, it was all booked up. It was necessary to support the disintegrating Russia.

Oh, I wonder how Ukraine will host this show. How much money will they get and how much will they steal?

They will steal, as always, from 50% to 90%.......
A city of contrasts:

Of course, this is very indicative of our Russian business and production (that contest is primarily a commercial event) ... That that song was sung by a singer not from our country (and we have a federation, small nations ... etc.) ... And that's where all the talk that I personally have heard since the 90's when they (our native russian business) themselves say "I believe in russian business" is bullshit. They probably didn't spin their own money there ... The state sponsored them (so are the "businessmen").

I apologise for the emotion.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Interesting and Humorous

Igor Konyashin, 2016.05.15 11:04

Don't worry, everything will be fine :) Today is a good day and good news :)

The world's oldest cat died
В США умер самый старый кот в мире
В США умер самый старый кот в мире
  • 2016.05.14
  • Георгий Иванов
В США кот по кличке Скутер, внесённый в Книгу рекордов Гиннеса как самый старый кот в мире, умер на 31-м году жизни. По подсчётам ветеринаров, в пересчёте на человеческий возраст животное прожило 136 лет. Скутер буквально на днях был внесён в Книгу рекордов Гиннеса как самый старый кот в мире. Животное жило в городе Мэнсфилд в штате Техас...

Igor Konyashin:

Не переживай, всё будет хорошо :) Сегодня хороший день и хорошие новости :)

Sergey Golubev:

The world's oldest cat has died
It's not about a cat :)
You seem to be a little excited......... however judging by the rhetoric and the number of exclamation marks I can assume that it is permanent and caused by a feeling of knowledge of some "truth" inaccessible to others, in particular appeals to the laws of being, truth, etc. ....... testify to it. You do realize the image you create for yourself with these words, don't you? ..... As for capitalism, it has long disappeared in its pure form, you are about 60-80 years too late, besides, you should understand that all words ending in "ism" are generalized and non-specific judgments, and if your previous rhetoric expressed a negative attitude towards the ruling circles, this is nothing new: Just go to the comments of economic articles in any newspaper and see that they are full of exclamations criticizing one or another elite, which is true in many cases, since the elites in some countries evolve very slowly, in any case to say that "capitalism has no resources" is as meaningless as to criticize bank interest and other such verbiage...... at least we have to define what are these resources? and who doesn't have them? you can probably assume that it is a criticism of capitalism in the states? then it is ridiculous. i remember that since the early 2000's the magazines wrote shocking articles that everything was about to collapse, even the famous Economist used to say that, and what? all in vain..... capitalism has long ago turned into a disembodied spirit, economics and sociology have long gone forward by leaps and bounds, and trying to analyze the current state with the methods of 50 years ago is as futile as digging a vegetable garden with a fork.........

How insanely sane are you about things, can you tell by your utterances? Economics is an abominable religion created by a sect of God's chosen for complete suckers, sociology is pseudoscience... And that's exactly what anyone with a brain thinks. Where are they going? Do you have any idea what you're talking about? When I was kicked out of the Komsomol, I heard this shit before, only your rhetoric was to replace the US with the USSR and capitalism with socialism. Absolutely nothing new! Everything happened exactly as I claimed, but with a slight lag. The methodology of understanding the processes occurring in the life of states was developed three thousand years ago. Nothing has changed in it, but not everyone is destined to understand it. To predict the future is not the smartest thing to do, it is much more rational to make it.

But, actually, this is a forum for programmers, and everything else is just a condiment to programming!


Selfies are the disease of the 231st century.

Селфи как симптом
Селфи как симптом
  • 2016.05.11
Признайтесь, вы не провели эти длинные, весенние, солнечные выходные впустую? Ведь у вас есть селфи на фоне яйца? Нет? В таком случае, может, на фоне цветущих деревьев? Вы гуляли по ботсаду и не сделали ни одного селфи? Вы не сели в клумбу с тюльпанами и не подняли руки вверх, изображая восторг и счастье? Тоже нет? Странно, а чем же вы...