Interesting and Humour - page 2949

Denis Sartakov:
The outlines resemble some kind of country....
Alexandr Murzin:

There's a US flag behind it, too. What is that about? The collapse of the USD?

It's finally here for the Americans.

Paranoia... Comrade Stalin suffered from it too.
Denis Sartakov:
the outline resembles some kind of country....
Australia-Italy United Kingdom
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Australia-Italy United Kingdom

no, if you draw a line through the points: t.stalin's right eye - the right edge of t.stalin's lip,

you get the ural mountains. on top there's a small depression, that's the obskaya bay...

it is strange, what happened to the far east?

Denis Sartakov:

strange thing is, where did the far east go?

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I visited the other day too. Different songs are sung there, different articles are written. And the grass seems to be greener. :)

I even stole one software at ....... С#.

And I witnessed a discussion about broken software ) For there's civilization and pluralism there and we have a ghetto!
Alexander Voronkov:
That's April 1st

At Moscow's Arbatskaya station the plaster collapsed and Stalin looked out from under it.

This is no joke, by the way.

I don't think it's true that you can plaster on burnt brick without a grid, and then only a thin layer. But it's nonsense to plaster on polished marble without a mesh, at least.

Alexey Volchanskiy:
I witnessed a discussion of broken software ) For they have civilization and pluralism there and we have a ghetto!

The Zhiguli for export was also a slightly different car. :)

Just don't publish my collection of essays. They'll take away my accreditation. :)

Server Muradasilov:

I do not think that this is true, plaster without a grid can still be applied to burnt brick, and even a thin layer. And here on the polished marble, and even without a grid - nonsense at least

The artwork will be irrevocably lost. But just rinse it off, and all is well.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
That way the work would be irrevocably lost. But this way, you flush it and you're good to go.
You're the fool.
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