Interesting and Humour - page 2531

I do!

Are you kidding me, about wanting to?

We don't even have inter-bar primitives.

One drav filing and that one has empti value disabled. You can't draw a separate rectangle between the bars with a fucking buffer.

And you say I want 3D.

A dollar at 50, no one at the exchange offices.
Our people don't need any cheap stuff,
We want the best dollar, which is 80.

Are you kidding me, about wanting to?

We don't even have inter-bar primitives.

One drav filing and that one has empti value disabled. You can't draw a separate rectangle between the bars with a fucking buffer.

And you say I want 3D.

Bullshit, 30 years ago there was no internet...
Bullshit, there was no internet 30 years ago...

There was no internet, but there were bars. And there were renko and kagi.

ZS Well now we have internet and still no renko or kagi.


There was no internet, but there were bars. And there were renko and kagi.

ZS Well, now we have internet, but renko and kagi still don't.

but not many people believed in holograms.

It's two days until the new year.

It's two days until the new year.

A dollar at 50, no one at the exchange offices.
Our people don't need any cheap stuff,
We need the best dollar, which is 80.
The alarmist morons aren't our people. Our people are waiting for 20 kopecks. ;)))
ah, almost no one is taking out a loan now)))) they do not want to pay back the interest rate for a while
США готовят остановку котировок драгоценных металлов и фиксацию официального курса доллара - ВОЙНА и МИР
США готовят остановку котировок драгоценных металлов и фиксацию официального курса доллара - ВОЙНА и МИР
Источник: Les États-Unis préparent la fin de la cotation des métaux précieux et verrouillent le cours officiel du dollar С 22 декабря 2014 года колебания курсов драгоценных металлов, которые на самом деле не были свободны от вмешательства, будут строго ограничены на американских рынках. Следовательно, стоимость доллара, выраженная в золоте...