Interesting and Humour - page 1262

"rip it off and throw it away."

I tore it off once and threw it away. I was in rehab at the hospital. Decided it was time.

Cut down to one or two cigarettes a day, down from three packs. And I quit. In the morning, I got swelling so bad I couldn't open my eyes.

Went to the doctor. The question was, "Have you quit smoking?

- Yeah.

- Go ahead and smoke. You can quit at home.


I tore it off once and threw it away. I was in rehab at the hospital. Decided it was time.

Cut down to one or two cigarettes a day, down from three packs. And I quit. In the morning, I got swelling so bad I couldn't open my eyes.

Went to the doctor. The question was, "Have you quit smoking?

- Yeah.

- Go ahead and smoke and quit at home.

I know for a fact that you can't lose weight.

My acquaintances who quit smoking quit abruptly.

PS. But perhaps it depends on the body of the smoker.


Perhaps we should be guided by norms. And not just buy ready-made "blocks" for our airports.

Perhaps we should take into account the fact that we have a civil society and not a barnyard.


I guess decisions should be made on the basis that we have a civil society, not a barnyard.

We don't have any civil society. 20% civil society and 80% herd

My acquaintances who quit smoking quit abruptly.

It is almost unrealistic to quit shortly.
"The popular story that Winston Churchill's father paid for Fleming's education after Fleming's father saved young Winston from death is a legend"
"The popular story that Winston Churchill's father paid for Fleming's education after Fleming's father saved young Winston from death is a legend"
It's a hoax, I'll never quit smoking like that.

I know for a fact that you can't lose weight abruptly.

My acquaintances who have quit smoking have quit abruptly.

PS. But perhaps it depends on the body of the smoker.

An acquaintance of mine quit - his nose was bleeding until he smoked a cigarette. Not every body can withstand the change in survival environment).
Remember the 3 rules. 1) don't back down. 2) don't give up. 3) Not with verbs is separated.