Interesting and Humour - page 1938

Good thinking, though.
I liked it too, I read it. ))
I liked it too, I read it. ))


... Passport stamp, lifetime maintenance, expensive gifts...

It does not follow from the fact that human morality classifies actions into good and bad that a god exists. Aborigines in the jungle still eat the flesh of a defeated enemy, and for them this ritual is definitely good, but it does not follow that their god exists. In our society their act is considered savage and unacceptable, in their society it is part of their distinctive culture.

This is where the point is made: human morality classifies acts or the division into good and bad acts exists independently of human morality. Even you, when making your argument, mention aborigines who eat the flesh of a defeated enemy. But even those natives admit - that killing everyone left and right is bad (WHY?) Christianity believes that there is a "moral law" - exists regardless of our wishes and views.

If you think about it, religious morality is quite different from secular morality. For example murder for our, secular morality is a bad thing no matter to whom or for what reason it is applied . That is why we have a moratorium on the death penalty. Christianity is different: if the Christian father-god orders Abraham to kill his son, he must do it, otherwise he is a sinner and an apostate. If he kills his son for the glory of God, then he is good and will be placed in heaven. So killing is bad, but if God commands it, then it is good. There is a lot of such unscrupulousness in religion, and in reality it is only covered by general human norms and turns out not to be what it pretends to be.

Let's leave this aside if we are going to discuss it. I will only say that the "problem" of Abraham must be studied only after there is certainty in the question: "Is there a God? These are questions of theology.

A sophism, and what a sophism it is. What is good and what is bad, believers are told by their god (through scriptures and priests). And if the objective reality does not correspond to the notions of good and evil in religion, it is not the problem of atheism which diagnosed it, it is the problem of religion itself, because its notions of good and evil are not confirmed in the world.

You contradict yourself :) Answer yourself the questions:

1) Who tells you what is good and what is bad? Priests?

2) How can something correspond to objective reality if by your own definition it is totally subjective and depends on the individual/society in question? ("human morality classifies actions into good and bad")

And who says that there is a difference? For me, for example, it is not obvious that a teacher is better than a prostitute. They both fulfil socially important functions and are necessary for our society. In general, the most expensive and cynical prostitutes are those who give not for money, but for more valuable goods: a stamp in the passport, a life time allowance, expensive gifts... The list goes on and on.

And here you are lying! Forgive the cynical example, but if you had to choose a career for your niece/daughter/granddaughter, the choice would be a schoolteacher (if you choose between two evils of course). And it's not about respectability and pay - it's about your concepts of right and wrong.

SZS: it's not like it's a full moon - let's not make such a discussion out of nothing :)

I respect your right to look at the world the way you want and I'm not going to change your mind at all. I gave you the link to the book only out of a desire to share what I myself am interested in. I am interested in it and it gives a very good and unbiased coverage of the issues I have been discussing here.

SZY: I will read your response (if there is one) and will not write on this subject again. There is no place for such debates in the humour section :).


Egyptians are over-wintering :)

Good for the cat! Cats must not be harmed!

A true hunter and protector of the household.


A true hunter and protector of the household.

More like a hunter. A tricoloured cat is very rare.
More like a hunter. A tricoloured cat is very rare.
and the muzzle is female )) nice cat

ZSY: I will read your answer (if there is one) and will not write on this subject again. There is no place for such debates in the humour section :)

I hold the same opinion. We can argue until the heated argument and still we will not prove anything to each other.

s.e. If I had to choose a career for my niece/daughter/granddaughter, I wouldn't choose a career as a prostitute or a teacher but a profession that would make her happy :)

and a woman's face ))nice cat
urchin, are you sick by any chance? I'm worried about the health of our needles...