Interesting and Humour - page 1933


Two mates meet.

- What the hell happened to your hands?!

- I tamed a hedgehog.

- Tame it?

- Yeah.

- What happened to his face?

- See, now the beast is yapping and licking me.


Right in front of me, about 10 metres from behind the UAZ, two mothers like that jumped out of the zebra crossing. I hit the brakes and there was ice. The A.V.S. was cracking, pounding on my pedals - whatever... They heard the car sliding and ran. And the kids fell out of the sled and lay right on the road in front of the out-of-control car. While I was helplessly sliding towards them (I was about five metres away) I remembered everything... I stopped right in front of them. The worst thing was that it was dangerous to manoeuvre at that moment. I could hardly stop in time, if I had braked and started to turn away from them - I could hit with a wheel, and as they were straight ahead - in front of the front bumper. I hoped that the speed was low (I only drove off), only 40 km, I hoped for a minor impact.

I stopped in line with them, didn't hit them. I got out of the car and was savagely scolded by these two swans who were already on the other side of the road alerted to their kids. What I didn't learn about myself from them. Bitches. They should be locked up for six months for sure.

Terrible. I have never been so close. And more and more grandmothers with kids. But the bigger problem is the left lane. Lately, driving culture is improving and pedestrians standing on the crossing are yielding more and more often, but the left lane ...

Young people in the left lane do not even think about why other lanes suddenly slow down.

Now you not only have to yield but also monitor the left-hand side.


That's terrible. I've never been this close. And it's more grandmothers with kids. But the left lane is even more of a problem. Recently, driving culture is improving and pedestrians standing on the crossing are yielding more and more often, but the left lane ...

Young people in the left lane do not even think about why other lanes suddenly slow down.

Now you not only have to yield but also monitor the left-hand side.

It's your traffic cops who are not working properly. As many months of active prevention, they will let you through like a darling.


Belarus is ready for any steps to normalize relations with the European Union, said Alexander Lukashenka. "We can't avoid each other," said the President. He noted, however, that "at the moment the ball is on the side of the European Union.


What's going on? Now Batska will pretend to go to Europe without money?


What is going on? Will he pretend to go to Europe if they do not give him the money?

Who will give it to him?)
Who's going to give it to him?)
Uncle Vova is old, he seems to be giving it to everyone.

18 +

Sergeyev not to watch scary stuff


It's your cops who are under-performing. As many months of active prophylaxis as they need, and they'll let you through like a sweetheart.

You know what kind of prophylaxis our traffic cops have? They'll stand close to the crossing. From the one you can't see on the left in heavy traffic. You can only see what's being done on the right. At rush hour, and they catch those who drive when a pedestrian walks on the left. And you're driving in the right lane. The left lane's all blocked up. At this intersection, they let the oncoming pedestrians through. If you passed when a pedestrian was already crossing (and you couldn't see him), they pull you over and voila, no 1.5 roubles... Prove later that you're not a giraffe. The stream moves about five kilometres per hour, i.e. to knock down a pedestrian is simply unreal, more likely he will knock you down. No, I was, wasn't I? Yes. Was the pedestrian in the crossing? I don't know, I didn't see... Look at our camera. Is he coming? He's coming. Are you driving? I'm driving, but I can't see him. If he don't fuck, you get a ticket. You're driving your wife to work late... You leave them your license, take your wife to work and back to their place on the palking strasse...
Do you know what kind of prevention our traffic cops have? They stand close to the crossing. The kind you can't see on the left in heavy traffic. You can only see what's being done on the right. At rush hour, and they catch those who drive when a pedestrian walks on the left. And you're driving in the right lane. The left lane's all blocked up. At this intersection, they let the oncoming pedestrians through. If you passed when a pedestrian was already crossing (and you couldn't see him), they pull you over and voila, no 1.5 roubles... Prove later that you're not a giraffe. The stream moves about five kilometres per hour, i.e. to knock down a pedestrian is simply unreal, more likely he will knock you down. No, I was, wasn't I? Yes. Was the pedestrian in the crossing? I don't know, I didn't see... Look at our camera. Is he coming? He's coming. Are you driving? I'm driving, but I can't see him. If he don't fuck, you get a ticket. You're driving your wife to work late... You leave them your license, take your wife to work and back to them on the palking strasse...
We have cops who have seen the crossing in a coffin...
I found here (it says November of this year) a list of countries by external debt. There you can do sorting in the table in the menu