Interesting and Humour - page 1788


Looked through all 22 layers in photoshop. There are three people. The dude in the orange waistcoat who was thrown by the boat, the grandmother standing on the left in the background and the grandfather, who becomes visible after the middle rack falls.

Dude and granny:

Let's fly:

On approach to the stack with glide out, aka in the waistcoat:

Touching runway:

Moving along the taxiway to the hangar (granddad technician-mechanic appeared):

In the hangar in the car park. He circled the actors:

Where's the lady with the chair?

And my slippers?

Yeah, I'm wrong, it's not the boatman, it's the pilot.
Yeah, I'm wrong, it's not a boatman, it's a pilot.

I don't get it... What did you do with the hedgehog??????? Grilled it? I think Uncle Fyodor was burying someone somewhere... I think there's something wrong... No?

Where did the hedgehog go? Who's going to return the slippers now?


Why doesn't everyone say something?

It's 60 already!

Rock & Roll is dead and we're not... ????

Good investigation.

Uh-huh. Post-flight debriefing :)

For example, this happened to me - I was sitting in a hotel lobby abroad, plugging away at my netbook, a group of Lithuanian tourists drove up, two bimbos came up to me (there was nowhere else to sit), and asked when I would release Khodorkovsky. I almost choked on my beer...

By the way, when are you going to let him out?

They (bimbos) only approach me when I'm on holiday, in a good mood and with a mug of beer (I have a simpler face with a mug of beer).

Or maybe that's how they get to know each other?


They (bimbos) only approach me when I'm on holiday, in a good mood and with a mug of beer (I have a simpler face with a mug of beer).

Or maybe that's how they get acquainted?

That's usually how paying girls 'meet'.

Then I understood what they meant by the word Khodorkovsky ("when I release Khodorkovsky") ... how stupid I am ...
Then I understood what they meant by the word Khodorkovsky ("when I release Khodorkovsky") ... how stupid I am...
You can't keep Khodorkovsky on rations. It will dry up with the ration together.