Interesting and Humour - page 1787


that's how you've been looking for slippers

There are three racks.

The one on the right is a composite, the gap between them makes a woman fly out with nothing else to stand on.

No one's flying out of the gap there. The boat hits the man on the middle rack and throws him onto the right one.

You do not understand. Signing like the last idiots with a ski instructor - "what dumb people!", not signing an idiotic agreement that never benefits the country - "what freaks!"...
he didn't mean that, but the way things are going / imho
have you seen the papers that are good for the country? the papers that are good for who?

That's the thing: I haven't seen the profitable ones, I have seen the unprofitable ones, so I am calm about the fact that they haven't signed them.

That's not what he meant, but the way things are going / imho
Yes, I remember that he wrote that he was going to hell

No one flies out of the gap there. The boat hits the man on the middle rack and throws him to the right.

woman, brunette, black trousers, white blouse, near red brightly coloured waistcoat, same clothes as the "boatman", employee who was laying out the goods on the right shelf

There is an old Japanese proverb of sorts.

If someone knocks on your door and asks for food, don't give him a fish, give him a fishing rod.

Europe will give a fishing rod, Russia a fish.

And the people will choose.

Russia only on loans, Ukraine already owes 20 yards.

What fish? What does Russia have to do with it? They are dragging us into something ... How many countries have been helped and then called occupiers... Not the leaders of the countries, but ordinary people ... A young man goes somewhere (not by a tank), and they tell him he's an occupier ...

For example, this happened to me: I was sitting in a hotel lobby abroad, plugging away at my netbook, a group of Lithuanian tourists drove up, two dames came up to me (there was nowhere else to sit), and asked when I would release Khodorkovsky. I almost choked on my beer...

Lord, protect us residents and my country from any contact with the EU and Ukraine regarding Ukraine's accession to the EU (amen)

Украина приглашает Россию помочь ей в переговорах с Евросоюзом
Украина приглашает Россию помочь ей в переговорах с Евросоюзом
Украина приглашает Россию помочь ей в переговорах с Евросоюзом. Россия, наряду с ЕС, должна участвовать в трехсторонних переговорах по урегулированию спорных вопросов вокруг Соглашения об ...

that's how you've been looking for slippers

There are three racks.

The one on the right is composite, and out of the gap between them flies a woman who has nothing else to stand on.

Looked through all 22 layers in photoshop. There's three people. The dude in the orange waistcoat who was thrown by the boat, the grandmother standing on the left in the background and the grandfather, who becomes visible after the middle rack falls.

Dude and granny:

Let's fly:

On approach to the stack with glide out, aka in the waistcoat:

Touching runway:

Moving along the taxiway to the hangar (granddad technician-mechanic appeared):

In the hangar in the car park. He circled the actors:

Where's the lady with the chair?

And my slippers?


Lord, shield us and my country from any contact with the EU and Ukraine over Ukraine's accession to the EU (amen)

Relax, the EU does not want to communicate in threes.


Looked through all 22 layers in photoshop. There are three people. The dude in the orange waistcoat who was thrown by the boat, the grandmother standing on the left in the background and the grandfather, who becomes visible after the middle rack falls.

Dude and granny:

Let's fly:

On approach to the stack with glide out, aka in the waistcoat:

Touching runway:

Moving along the taxiway to the hangar (granddad technician-mechanic appeared):

In the hangar in the car park. Circle the actors:

Good investigation.


Why doesn't everyone say something?

It's 60 already!