Interesting and Humour - page 1790


Gerasim poured Mouma some soup.

Pierre was a secular man and so urinated in perfume.

The Rostovs had three daughters: Natasha, Sonya and Nikolai.

Pierre Bezukhov's first successes in love were bad - he married right away.

As a result, Tikhon did not grow up to be a man, but a real sheep.


This one is no less interesting. Firstly, it flies and rides (already). Secondly, it's potentially much more economical (the lifting power is not entirely at the expense of the engine).

I wish it were possible to go into a turn with the handbrake in the air with a skid

As a result, Tikhon has not grown into a man, but a real sheep.

Come on, let Khodorkovsky out already. Stop hunting for commas, or you'll become a Muma.
If only it were possible to use the handbrake to go into a corner with a skid in the air
The main thing is there is a precedent for an Autoboiler, and then the topic will develop. I understand that this project is supported by Porsche.

Hodor out!

Bring the moderator to justice!

A man for every woman!


Hodor out!

Bring the moderator to justice!

A man for every woman!

I second that.

Also: Two women for every man!


I second that.

Also: Two chicks for every man!

I agree, then we'll swap.
There's a precedent for a motorbike, and then the topic will be promoted. I understand that Porsche supports this project.
It is stillborn. Volocopter doesn't care if there are roads, maneuverability is crazy and jewel-like, reliability is in simplicity. Here it has a future. It is better to drive a car on the road, to fly a plane. The car will remain an experimental prototype or an expensive toy.

Free milk and apples for hedgehogs.
Baba to Khodorkovsky.

The moderator is in jail.

Ukraine to Europe.

Putin for Yanukovich.

Sherlock on a woman's neck.


Free milk and apples for the hedgehogs.
Baba to Khodorkovsky.

The moderator is in jail.

Ukraine to Europe.

Putin for Yanukovich.

Get away from Ukraine, you son of a bitch!