Interesting and Humour - page 1547


Communists have fucked up Venezuela

The Venezuelan government has temporarily nationalised a toilet paper factory in an attempt to solve the country's toilet paper shortage, the BBC Broadcasting Corporation reported on Saturday.

A National Guard unit has cordoned off the large Manpa factory in Aragua state, with officers ordered to control the production and supply of toilet paper.

Commerce Minister Alexander Fleming told reporters that the authorities' temporary "occupation" of the factory was in accordance with Venezuelan law. Meanwhile, there has been a rush at Caracas supermarkets amid a supply disruption of toilet paper that began in May, the BBC notes.

The Venezuelan government said this week that 50 million rolls had been bought abroad at the direction of the authorities.

Now newspapers will start to be read more often).

There are two frogs sitting in a bog.

One frog is a boy and the other is a girl.

Boy: "Qua(35Hz)!"

Girl: "Qua(1350Hz)!"


Slippers are bad. And that's okay with you?
The hospital corridor was so long and light that Fedya checked his pulse just in case.
How dare she pull a bear by the ear! Where is the bear's righteous wrath?