Interesting and Humour - page 1220


The gypsies lost a cat on their way.

♪ the cat died, the tail withered ♪

and it turned out to be "anchor bens".

Whoever says a word or posts something is going to eat it.

Such a messed up thread (((.



The words of a veterinarian:

If you love your profession, you can get your elbow up a cow's arse


Such a messed up thread (((.


That's what I'm hearing from an asshole.

ZS: At least the rest of the threads are cleaner now.


so that's what he's doing.)

A teddy bear replaces an orphaned foal


A grandmother gets on the trolleybus, followed by a man.
A man:
- Excuse me, can I go to the central market?
- No.
The man gets off the trolley with a disappointed look. The doors close and the trolleybuses start moving.
Grandma adds out loud:
- But I am getting there!


In the carpet department:
- Do you have anything not too stark for the nursery?
- How many children?
- Seven!
- Better asphalt.

How fast was he going then?