Interesting and Humour - page 1101


Saneek! Are you okay there? Are you okay?

The bitcoin has dropped two times today.

from 240 to 116.


Saneek! Are you okay there? Are you okay?

Bitcoin dropped two times today.

That's it. Here we go.
Hey, Sanek. Why are you being so quiet? Don't be silent.
That's it. Here we go.
Have you seen Sank? He bought some fucking bitcoins the other day.
Have you seen Sank? He bought those fucking bitcoins the other day.
No, I haven't seen him. I haven't seen Andriyuha either. Maybe they sold everything and they're drinking together. (don't get all creepy, but think of the good things first)
No, I haven't seen it. And I haven't seen Andriyukha. Maybe they've sold everything and are drinking together? (don't get all spooky, but think of the good in the first place)

No, Andriyuk is fine, he doesn't care where he goes, but Sanek, young and green... ...he ran after that stuff like a papoose after beads...


No, I haven't seen him. I haven't seen Andriyukha either. Maybe they've sold everything and are drinking together? (don't get all spooky, but think of the good things in the first place)

I'm good, not only that, but I'll get 300 quid for free, not counting the bots that are cutting the cabbage.
I am all right, moreover, in the course of 300 quid free pass, this is not counting the cabbage chopping bots.

Hello Andrei, Murzilka magazine, Mikhail Mishek, a couple of questions.

Will you help the family of your colleague? It's your fault, of course, indirectly.


Will you help your colleague's family? After all, what happened to him is partly your fault, indirectly of course.

I don't know, as recently as yesterday I warned him in this thread, which you, Mr. Schreibicus, witnessed.)