Interesting and Humour - page 1106


International mail is banned at Sheremetyevo // fly from here, bitches

They have a stagnation every year. They are probably begging for money again for another upgrade).
They get stagnant every year. They must be getting money for another upgrade again.)
Roughly once a year I end up at the post office. I feel like I'm in a kunstkamera, like I'm back in my childhood for a while).

WINTER, go away


I never would have guessed that beavers could attack like that. Now I'll know. This one in the video, by the way, is in the Tver region. )))

Beavers can bite you to death! Here's an example today in Belorussia

good beaver to all


Bazinga ))


Funny pictures - The perception of beauty


Зритель видит в фотографии, лишь то, что он готов в ней увидеть.
Хотите убедиться в этом? Да пожалуйста.
Небольшой эксперимент.
Взгляните на этот снимок.
Что больше всего бросилось вам в глаза, что понравилось, а что не очень? 


A girl bought beautiful radiators, but the plumbers got the job done with the installation of the bottom pipes.

They also installed shut-off ball valves, so that the poor woman would sweat or simply freeze because of the heat.
By the way the taps have white butterfly knobs, probably Chinese fake.

Oh my God... Arbonia... and the colour is custom-made... the price is exorbitant... their heat output is weak in itself, and here.... 200 watts or less under the window... the girl is shrinking from the cold.

more like zender... these are even more expensive...

zander has different brackets
