Interesting and Humour - page 1089

Warrant Officer to soldiers:
- You must not take your eyes off your enemy! Sidorov! Why are you staring at me like that?
First you find something simpler, and then you look in a pile and see the incomplete.
First you find something easy, then you look in a pile and see what's incomplete.

Well, then show me a screenshot of the number 0.

There's a lot of differentials, spire, tree shade, branch on tree, man, tile on track, birds...

I can only find 4 at a time.

Then show me a screenshot of 0.

There is no such thing. When 0, a new pair of pictures appears. I'll double-check, though.


There is no such thing. When 0, a new pair of pictures appears. I'll double-check though.

Shit (



That's it. It's a miracle. Abramovich is a pauper. He no longer owns the biggest yacht.

A yacht from the Bundes to the Emirates is longer and faster and twice as expensive.


The $608 million masterpiece by German shipbuilders is 17.37 metres longer than the Russian oligarch's Eclipse. Azzam, capable of speeds up to 30 knots, is 179.83 metres long.

The yacht left the dock in Bremen on Friday, April 5. The owner's name was not disclosed, only that the order came from a Gulf country.

3 billion quid? Abramovich's yacht seemed to be worth one and a half.