Interesting and Humour - page 3387

Andrey Dik:
CC did not say that people are fleeing to Russia from the states, which is exactly what you are saying.
You'd better read more carefully what he writes.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
You'd better read what he writes more carefully.

I read what he writes - Russia is becoming attractive to immigrants, that is his main point.

I will say more - this attractiveness will only increase every year. Now there are no (almost no) data freeloaders, so, as they say, work and you (anyone who wants to work, not eat freebies) will be happy.

Andrey Dik:

I read what he writes - Russia is becoming attractive to immigrants, that is his main point.

I will say more - this attractiveness will only increase every year. Now there are no (almost no) data freeloaders, so, as they say, work and you (anyone who wants to work and not eat freebies) will be happy.

Becoming and being are slightly different things. Not everything that becomes now is then. Once again, everything is in the future tense.
Andrey Dik:

Who fed whom under the Soviet Union?

We should have kicked these hypocritical freeloaders out a long time ago instead of waiting for them to collapse. Freeloading has been soaked into the blood of these nations for years, Ukraine is crying out against Nord Stream, how come no one asked for their opinion and the EC etc. The rest of the former republics are now whining in the same vein, the freeloading has ended, now they have to work for their daily bread.

Yeah that was amazing. The Soviets are a masterpiece of economics. I remember when I was a student the way from my dorm to my institute was past a confectionery factory, they used to say it was the biggest in the country, made candies in boxes... but the candies were just the smell.

I also used to go to Ukraine in those times, we had 3 kinds of soda (buratino, duchesse, kremsoda), there were more than 10, only I never understood where it was coming from? Can you tell me?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Yeah, that was amazing. The Soviets were a masterpiece of economics. I remember when I was a student, the road from my dorm to university was past a confectionery factory, said to be the biggest in the country, producing assorted chocolates in boxes... but the chocolates only had a smell.

You lack love and respect for your country. It's not about politics or leadership. You're just the kind of person to whine and complain about life, there are people like that everywhere, in the States, Australia and Britain.

I often disagree with CC on algotrading and IO, statistics, but such people are more respectable than those who only whine and whine for no reason.

Andrey Dik:

You lack love and respect for your country. It's not about politics or leadership. You are just the kind of person who whines and complains about life, there are such people everywhere, in the States, Australia and Britain.

I often disagree with CC on algotrading and IO, statistics, but such people are more respectable than those who only whine and whine on and off.

Or maybe the opposite, love and respect from their country? Who can it be the envy of except politics and leadership?

I do not complain about life. Who is there to complain about? There is simply no need to ride on the ears and rub all sorts of fantasies based on propaganda, and to lapse into illusions.

In matters of statistics - in matters of perverted interpretation of statistics.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I was also in Ukraine in those days, we had 3 varieties of soda (buratino, duchesse, creamsoda), there were more than 10, only I never understood where it came from there? Can you tell me?

The links above explain why the republics had a better life than Russia. Because we were feeding them. The jokes about the Georgians become clearer.

Andrey Dik:

The links above explain why the republics lived better than Russia. Because we were feeding them. The jokes about Georgians become clearer.

So I wonder where they were bringing 10 kinds of soda to Ukraine - they did not make it themselves.
Notice, propagandists for advice, reduce everything to just food. As if people had no other needs.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
So I wonder where they brought the 10 varieties of soda to Ukraine from, as you say they didn't make it themselves.
I do not know where the soda came from in Ukraine. It does not matter, each republic was "tailored" to its needs, where they made this or that, depending on many factors, climate, geographic location and so on. My relatives lived in Tajikistan during the Soviet Union, and they say they had such cool toys from all over the world that their children had never seen in Russia, so what? The important thing is that funds were not distributed fairly across the republics, hence the skewed well-being of the people. If you want to live well, change things around you without complaining about politicians, there is plenty of free land, grow wheat, fish and cattle, anyone who is not lazy does so and thrives, while the rest whines and complains about the government.