Interesting and Humour - page 3275

I'll take a screenshot of it - it'll come in handy.
It distracts from what's important - thinking about yourself.
Sergey Golubev:
It distracts from the main thing - thinking about yourself.
No, no, a good quote is always appropriate!

Yuon Konstantin Fedorovich (1875-1958)
August evening. Last ray 1948

Художник Юон Константин Федорович – художник, биография и творчество
Художник Юон Константин Федорович родился в 1875 году 12 октября в городе Москве. Отец был директором компании по страхованию имущества, мать занималась музыкой. В юности Юон отличился в пристрастии к рисованию и В 17-летнем возрасте его родители направляют в художественное училище в Москве. Его первыми наставниками в данном заведении на то...
Sergey Golubev:
I don't know of any such cases in real life.
You can read all sorts of things on the internet news, it's just an internet throw-up.
And why not? I once saw a notice at a bus stop that said "there's a 500 p fine for sticking ads", and there were a couple of ads with the phone number next to it. No one saw who put it there, maybe a competitor to get a fine.

KAVKAZ collection agency

we will brighten up your leisure time



"The Menines, 1656 (Museo del Prado, Madrid). In Spanish the title of the painting translates as "maid of honour",
and it depicts the artist's atelier in the royal palace of Alcázar, Spain.
The five-year-old Infanta Margarita and her entourage stopped by to see Velázquez painting a portrait of her father,
Philip IV, and her mother, Queen Mariana (their figures can be seen in the mirror).
The Infanta is surrounded by her ladies-in-waiting, a dwarf, a nun, a courtier and a dog.
The work measures 318×276 cm, giving Velázquez the opportunity to paint figures of human stature.
Yuriy Zaytsev:


"The Menines, 1656 (Museo del Prado, Madrid). In Spanish the title of the painting translates as "maid of honour",
and it depicts the artist's atelier in the royal palace of Alcázar, Spain.
The five-year-old Infanta Margarita and her entourage stopped by to see Velázquez painting a portrait of her father,
Philip IV, and her mother, Queen Mariana (their figures can be seen in the mirror).
The Infanta is surrounded by her ladies-in-waiting, a dwarf, a nun, a courtier and a dog.
The work measures 318×276 cm, which gave Velázquez the opportunity to paint the figures at human height.
How much is this work of art worth these days?

From the kit forum:

1. use EURUSD, M15 almost a month of data, the test result is quite perfect:

2. good job!


Good morning

Sergey Golubev:

From the Chinese forum:

1. use EURUSD, M15 almost a month of data, the test result is quite perfect:

2. good job!


Good morning

There is a certain quiet wisdom in the words of our Chinese colleagues....

Good Morning!


Well, everyone said that airships had no future after the Hindenburg disaster in 1937. It was hydrogen-powered, but this one the Brits launched is helium-powered. It would not explode if it leaked, except that the voices of the crew would be as high as in a church choir.

Британские инженеры подняли в воздух самое большое воздушное судно в мире
Британские инженеры подняли в воздух самое большое воздушное судно в мире
Британские инженеры подняли в воздух самое большое воздушное судно в мире // НТВ.Ru