Interesting and Humour - page 1517

A real alternative to religious zombification. Should be promoted in schools as an equal religious culture requiring teaching and learning.
A real alternative to religious zombification. It should be promoted in schools as an equal religious culture that needs to be taught and studied.
It would be nice to give Milonov a "twofer" for insulting the feelings of believers.
It would be nice to give Milonov a "twofer" for insulting the feelings of believers.
That's exactly the article they're counting on to try to pull it out of proportion. Well, that's fine.
It would be nice if Milonov could get a "twofer" for insulting the feelings of believers.

It's not bad, but it won't work without popular support.

We should encourage bloggers to talk about it. The situation with the zombification of the population is quite threatening. PGM is really being imposed in schools, and from above, in spite of the resistance and sabotage of teachers.

When darkness reigns all around,
In which an ominous voice is heard,
And everything seems to have gone mad
People and events and things,

I know there's no turning back!
"Worried that I might be judged in the heat of the moment
I dial a number at random
And I say, "Ah! I love you people!"

And my heart is so light,
♪ And my fears and terrors recede ♪
# And I'm standing barefoot and rejoicing
On my bedside table in my nightgown,

Even though the voice on the phone is deaf as a bucket:
"What the fuck are you doing at five in the morning?"

I realise there's no turning back!
Worried that I might be judged in the heat of the moment
I dial a number at random
And say, "I love you people."

(Laughs) Are you on methadioxymethamphetamine? ))
That's right. They'll cut it off, try it - it didn't work. They'll take pity and return the finger with the phone)))
The company must be lying, right? How can it work with an uncut finger but not with a cut one? Fingerprints are the same whether the finger is cut or uncut. And it's unlikely that anyone in the company will agree to check for lies or not, because such a test can only be done in the Japanese SSR. Therefore, they will check on the streets. So, device owners should buy iron gauntlets or, even better, knight's armour; otherwise, their limbs will be ruined - they will not be able to cut off a finger, they will cut off a hand.
Was I on methamphetamine? ))
When I'm an old aunt

♪ And a mean bitch for sure ♪

In my nightmarish flip-flop tights,

♪ And a little crazy, too ♪

# When I'm walking around with a stick

♪ And scratch my hooked nose ♪

With a faded old flannel

On my head instead of my hair

Will come to me unexpectedly,

By a wicked irony of fate

My long-awaited prince-assassin

My genius of pure beauty

He looks at me half-eyed

He's not in love with me

I'll mutter to him, "Bastard!

Bastard! Where were you before?"