Interesting and Humour - page 1520


Bitch, somebody spooked me.

The orbit of asteroid J002E3, which passed close to Earth in 2002-2003 and then suddenly flew back

I don't think it was an asteroid at all.

It was aliens.

They looked at us, thought, and... went home.

Moone and scared us off, on the fifth or sixth correction...
There's a management contest going on in the FC the other day, dollars for the prize fund, if you're interested I can give you the rules in person...
Little Red Riding Hood walks in on Granny and whispers:
- Granny! There's a scary Grey Wolf in your bed!
- The Scary Wolf to some... Or just Vovchik to others...

Little Red Riding Hood walks in on Granny and whispers:
- Granny! There's a scary Grey Wolf in your bed!
- The Scary Wolf to some... Or just Vovchik to others...


How many evil people there are on the planet (