Interesting and Humour - page 565


Yeah. Well hello there.

There was a mega-educator in Poland before WW2 - Janusz Korczak // Googling him.

Developed and practiced (at the orphanage) the so-called Natural Consequences Method.

A lot of Korczak's students (from those who survived the occupation) became celebrities - in fact, they demonstrated the effectiveness of the method with their own lives. I have always acted like that with my daughter. Unfortunately, my ex-wife and my grandmother-in-laws did not support me in this; my position seemed to them nothing more than "criminal frivolity"...

The funny thing for me (,and maybe it even upsets me sometimes, but I more often try not to care about it all, as there is no use for this snot) is that the problems are known and discussed openly for all the world to see. There are interesting ideas about what the new system could be. There are sketches about how money might not figure at all. But how to do all this? How to put it all into practice, there are no ideas. I haven't come across any, at least not anywhere. Smooth, good transition probably will not work. ))) Someone at the helm, or whatever it's called, just doesn't care. The program is imprinted in the brain to such an extent that some people can no longer see the world in a new way. Not some people. 99.99% of people. At least it feels that way. To change something there, to strain, to experience discomfort caused by reconnecting neurons. One big headache. So it is good.

Such people have no philosophy of life at all. I ask a lot of people how they see the state after death. What is that process? Does the personal experience of life cease? What happens afterwards? I personally assume that everything continues, but from the beginning. Birth again, a sense of self. But in a new body, a new brain. A kind of renewal. The manifestation of the sense of self may not necessarily be in a human body. But one day it may manifest again in a human body. And it has been, is and always will be. Life is eternal. And what follows from this? That you can't just go out forever thinking: "Life is finally at an end and I don't have to see this idiotic spectacle any more!" You don't get to go out at all. ))) You can find yourself in a completely different environment in your new life. If the former self was bathed in luxury, the new self can experience every hardship that life has to offer. And in the absence of a system that takes such views into account, everything will start all over again. Lust for money, power and a million other inner vices, which were probably needed once they were there, just for a certain period of time. For incentive, for motivation. For breakthroughs. For development. To arrive at something better. Through thorns to the stars. Through pain and countless sacrifices. Perhaps more time is needed. A couple of dozen more wars are needed. I take it that people without suffering don't learn shit. You have to walk through a field dotted with rakes or even a minefield.

People are ready to blame anyone for their excuses (their laziness and unwillingness to develop and their discomfort). It is a very convenient position. Anything, but to do nothing or to do what to idiocy simple. In fact it is easier, some silly meetings to arrange and demand change of authority for example. Although to change the figure from above without changing the system itself, nothing will change. There will simply be a different figure and a slightly different (painted in another colour) system. And there are many such figures in the world and to change something globally it is necessary for everything to be coordinated.

All in all, life is fucking complicated. Perhaps one day, people with similar views will get together in one huge community and figure out how to make it all work. And that's a huge number of questions. It's bound to happen, if nature has it in its algorithm to evolve for the better. I see all of this as "one of a kind". That is to say, it's one of countless options. )))


Don't take Karlin so seriously. It's not a lecture, or a lecture about what's on your mind, or a scientific report.

It's just a show. The aim is to get a payoff. The way is to find the problem, amplify it, add some laughs and jingle in unison on the strings of the common man.


Don't take Karlin so seriously. It's not a lecture, or a lecture about what's on your mind, or a scientific report.

It's just a show. The aim is to get a payoff. The way is to find the problem, amplify it, add some laughs and jingle in unison on the strings of the common man.

Carlin had nothing to do with it. He's turning it into a joke. Takes the edge off. He's got a great show. I haven't laughed like that in a long time. I'm still laughing and rolling on the floor. )))

Don't take Karlin so seriously. It's not a lecture, or a lecture about what's on your mind, or a scientific report.

It's just a show. The aim is to get a payoff. The way is to find the problem, amplify it, add some laughs and jingle in unison with the common man's strings.

I think you overestimate him.

If you put sandpaper on a cat's paw, he will not only wash but also shave.
A patient in the asylum shows the doctor his drawing:
- Here, sir, the cow is eating grass in the pasture.
- Yeah? Where's the grass? - The doctor wonders.
- The cow ate it.
- Where is the cow?
- What's she doing here? If she ate all the grass?

Pretty chick. Makes you want to be a bull.)))
Three people came to the sauna: a worker, the director and a deputy. They undressed... They look: each one up to his knees... the worker's hands, the director's belly, the deputy's tongue...
Coming home from school, Vovochka shouted:
- I want to notify all concerned that I, Vovochka, have today
showed myself a complete idiot in front of the whole class when, in sex education class.
when I repeated stories about storks that were told to me
by some of the people who live in this flat.