Errors, bugs, questions - page 960


Good afternoon.

Is there any way in MQL5 to pass a two-dimensional array of unknown dimensions to a function? And how can I search a two-dimensional array?

Thank you.

How about declaring an array as a global array and, at the same time, int variable its dimension?

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные
Основы языка / Переменные - Документация по MQL5
The CClass2 class does not have a CClass2(int) constructor
Apparently, cross rates available for the terminal for calculation of floating profit were different.

Still, there are problems with the display of rates. Below are screenshots from different brokers (also off):

As we can see, "Price" in pendants is taken from the ceiling somewhere

Sorry for repeating the question.
Is there any way of knowing the number of refills per position?
With what and how?
Thank you.
Sorry for repeating the question.
Is there any way of knowing the number of refills per position?
With what and how?
Thank you.
Analyze your deal history and calculate the number of shares. Perhaps, the article with examples in MQL5 will be published this week.
Sorry for repeating the question.
Is there any way of knowing the number of refills per position?
With what and how?
Thank you.
Only by analyzing the trading history in the"History" tab or using theHistoryXXXX() functions.
Thank you all.
I will look forward to the release of the article as well.

There is silence in the service-desk:

#644298 | 2013.01.28 19:17

#666445 | 2013.02.15 13:03

#677524 | 2013.02.23 14:17

#677530 | 2013.02.23 16:19

#681251 | 2013.02.27 07:28

#685594 | 2013.03.04 06:28

Take two.
Take two.
Yes, there is still silence on many of the applications. Keep in mind that there are at least hundreds of them and some important problems can take quite a long time to solve.
Take two.

#685594 - has already been fixed in the current build (22. MetaTester: Fixed display of main chart when visually testing multicurrency EAs.)

#681251 - it was said "no". Why reopen the request

#677530 - application is about nothing

#677524 - you were told "Maybe there are some specifics? At the moment it is not possible to reproduce the behaviour you describe. So far it's working without crutches."

#666445 - application for nothing.

#644298 - in MetaEditor 4 the described behavior was always there. And we've said many times before, "Deal with this behaviour, we're not going to change anything in this place. so as not to hit any vital organs."

Визуализируй стратегию в тестере MetaTrader 5
Визуализируй стратегию в тестере MetaTrader 5
  • 2012.06.08
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Каждому из нас давно знакома поговорка "Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать". Вы можете прочитать десятки книг о Париже или Венеции, но мысленные образы не позволят вам испытать те же ощущения, как от прогулки по их вечерним улицам. Преимущество визуализации, или наглядного представления, может быть легко спроецировано на любой аспект нашей жизни, включая и работу на рынке, например, анализ цен на графиках при помощи индикаторов, и конечно же, визуализация тестирования стратегий. В данной статье собраны все возможности тестера стратегий MetaTrader 5 по визуализации вычислений.