Errors, bugs, questions - page 2853


Good afternoon, all. Please help me to solve the following problem.

There are two MT5 terminals on the virtual machine. One is working with broker A, the other with broker B. The same bot is running on both terminals. Everything was fine until yesterday when I updated to version 2615.

The terminal working with broker A worked and still works, but the terminal with broker B hangs. That is, after start-up works for some time normally, then hangs. In the logs after the hangs the following record:

PJ      1       11:18:36.886    Network '67003410': connection to RoboForex-ECN lost
MP      0       11:18:37.656    Network '67003410': authorized on RoboForex-ECN through Europe #2 (ping: 98.08 ms, build 2560)
RN      0       11:18:37.656    Network '67003410': previous successful authorization performed from on 2020.09.22 07:16:34
DR      0       11:18:37.768    Network '67003410': terminal synchronized with RoboMarkets Ltd: 2 positions, 0 orders, 121 symbols, 0 spreads
IM      0       11:18:37.768    Network '67003410': trading has been enabled - hedging mode
EK      1       11:20:38.099    Network '67003410': connection to RoboForex-ECN lost
ES      0       11:20:38.674    Network '67003410': authorized on RoboForex-ECN through Europe #2 (ping: 98.08 ms, build 2560)
FQ      0       11:20:38.674    Network '67003410': previous successful authorization performed from on 2020.09.22 07:18:36
FM      0       11:20:38.784    Network '67003410': terminal synchronized with RoboMarkets Ltd: 2 positions, 0 orders, 121 symbols, 0 spreads
GR      0       11:20:38.784    Network '67003410': trading has been enabled - hedging mode
OH      1       11:22:39.328    Network '67003410': connection to RoboForex-ECN lost
CR      3       11:22:55.243    NetDispatcher   thread timeout reached possible deadlock [15]


why does a compilation error occur?

int j = 1 e3;         // OK
if(j % 1000 == 0);   // OK
if(j % 1 e3 == 0);    // '%' - illegal operation use
Igor Makanu:

Why does a compile-time error occur?


Vladimir Simakov:


OK. Thanks.

Checked, it is.

Print(typename(1 e3)); //        double
Released beta 2617 with experimental corrections of work with chart history in MQL5.
The PMs on the website are not working again.

Tell me, have the developers of Metatrader 5 broken indicator buffers in the latest update? Or is it something wrong with my head?

The point is that all the arrow indicators that don't have full recalculation on a new bar have started producing the same glitch. The arrows start multiplying like rabbits on the adjacent bars on the new bar. Example attached.

Only complete recalculation of the indicator on a new bar helps.

//|                                                   test_arrow.mq5 |
//|                                               Efremov Konstantin |
//|                 |
#property copyright "Efremov Konstantin"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
//--- init indicator buffers
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_plots   1

#property indicator_label1  "Arrows"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_ARROW
#property indicator_color1  clrLawnGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

input int      History  = 10;             // История, дней  

double   Arrows[];
int      cnt_bars;
int      HistoryCandle;
bool     FirstStartFlag;
int bar, limit;
datetime counted_bar;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
   SetIndexBuffer       (0,Arrows,INDICATOR_DATA);
   ArraySetAsSeries     (Arrows,true);
   PlotIndexSetInteger  (0,PLOT_DRAW_TYPE,DRAW_ARROW);
   PlotIndexSetInteger  (0,PLOT_LINE_COLOR,clrDodgerBlue);
   PlotIndexSetString   (0,PLOT_LABEL,"Arrows");
   PlotIndexSetInteger  (0,PLOT_ARROW,233);

//--- Рассчитываем количество свечей истории текущего таймфрейма от настройки "дней"
   HistoryCandle           = History*24*60*60/PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_CURRENT);
   cnt_bars                = HistoryCandle;  // Кол-во баров для подсчета сигналов
   FirstStartFlag          = true;
//|                                                                  |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])

     if(HistoryCandle>=rates_total) cnt_bars=rates_total-1;
     else cnt_bars=HistoryCandle;
//----+ проверка количества баров на достаточность для корректного расчёта индикатора
            Print("Недостаточно истории. Есть "+IntegerToString(rates_total-1)+" надо "+IntegerToString(cnt_bars));                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
//--- инициализация индикаторного буфера  
//--- обнулим все буферы стрелок и времени от мусора                                                             
         for(int x=cnt_bars; x>=0 && !IsStopped(); x--) Arrows[x] = EMPTY_VALUE;
         FirstStartFlag = false;
   if(prev_calculated>rates_total || prev_calculated<=0) // проверка на первый старт расчёта индикатора
         limit=cnt_bars-1; // стартовый номер для расчёта всех баров
   else limit=rates_total-prev_calculated; // стартовый номер для расчёта новых баров
   if(rates_total != prev_calculated) Arrows[0] = EMPTY_VALUE;

   for(bar=limit; bar>=0 && !IsStopped(); bar--)
         if(close[bar+1]>open[bar]+5*_Point)  {Arrows[bar]=NormalizeDouble(low[bar]-5*_Point,_Digits);}
   MqlRates rates[];
   MqlTick tick;
   double i;
   long m,s;
   Comment(" Candle: "+IntegerToString(m,0,' ')+" m "+IntegerToString(s,0,' ')+" s left");
   if(iTime( _Symbol, PERIOD_M1, 0 ) > counted_bar ) 
         counted_bar = iTime( _Symbol, PERIOD_M1, 0 );
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call

int GetMinute()
      case PERIOD_M1: return(1);
      case PERIOD_M2: return(2);
      case PERIOD_M3: return(3);
      case PERIOD_M4: return(4);
      case PERIOD_M5: return(5);
      case PERIOD_M6: return(6);
      case PERIOD_M10: return(10);
      case PERIOD_M12: return(12);
      case PERIOD_M15: return(15);
      case PERIOD_M20: return(20);
      case PERIOD_M30: return(30);
      case PERIOD_H1: return(60);
      case PERIOD_H2: return(120);
      case PERIOD_H3: return(180);
      case PERIOD_H4: return(240);
      case PERIOD_H6: return(360);
      case PERIOD_H8: return(480);
      case PERIOD_H12: return(720);
      case PERIOD_D1: return(1440);
      case PERIOD_W1: return(10080);
      case PERIOD_MN1: return(43200);
test_arrow.mq5  12 kb
Konstantin Efremov:

Tell me, have the developers of Metatrader 5 broken indicator buffers in the latest update? Or is it something wrong with my head?

The point is that all the arrow indicators that don't have full recalculation on a new bar have started producing the same glitch. The arrows start multiplying like rabbits on the adjacent bars on the new bar. Example attached.

Only complete recalculation of the indicator on a new bar helps.

Replace this nonsense

//--- инициализация индикаторного буфера  
//--- обнулим все буферы стрелок и времени от мусора                                                             
         for(int x=cnt_bars; x>=0 && !IsStopped(); x--) Arrows[x] = EMPTY_VALUE;
         FirstStartFlag = false;

with this nonsense.

  if(prev_calculated == 0)
    ArrayInitialize(Arrows, 0.0);

>>Thereare two MT5 terminals onthe virtual machine.One is working with broker A, the other with broker B. Both terminals are running >>the same bot. Everything was fine until yesterday, until I updated to version 2615.

Got back version 2560, everything works fine, no freezes or deadlocks.

Are the developers even responding to messages?

Виртуальный хостинг для MetaTrader 5
Виртуальный хостинг для MetaTrader 5
Виртуальный хостинг для MetaTrader 4/5 является лучшим VPS-решением для Форекса. Оно не требует настройки, дает минимальные задержки до сервера и отличается низкими ценами. Всего за 15 USD в месяц вы получите виртуальную платформу, которая работает круглые сутки, экономит вашу прибыль и даже окупает себя. Создать удаленную копию приложения...

>>Thereare two MT5 terminals onthe virtual machine.One is working with broker A, the other with broker B. Both terminals are running >>the same bot. Everything was fine until yesterday, until I updated to version 2615.

Got back version 2560, everything is working fine, no hangs or dead-locks.

Are the developers even responding to messages?

Have you reported any technical details to understand or reproduce?

Questions without details are almost always left without our attention.