Errors, bugs, questions - page 2085

Stanislav Korotky:

Can you be more specific, what and how is the change (with code for example) and what is the error code?

2017.12.06 21:27:53.767 2017.02.03 17:20:05 position modified [#1529 buy 0.01 EURUSD 1.07812 sl: 1.07482]
2017.12.06 21:27:53.767 2017.02.03 17:20:05 failed modify #1526 buy 0.01 EURUSD sl: 0.00000, tp: 0.00000 -> sl: 1.07482, tp: 0.00000 [Invalid stops]
2017.12.06 21:27:53.767 2017.02.03 17:20:05 *** Celebra Modify ticket#1529 retcode=10016 result.order=0 magic=[101] sl=1.07482 tp=0.00000
Only SL changes. And it is changing, just nerve-racking message: failed modify ... [Invalid stops]

is it correct to ask for the closing time or price immediately after closing a position in MT4?

or is it better to wait for a pause?

bool t=OrderClose(tBuy,OrderLots(),n(Bid),SlippageOpen);
int _err=GetLastError();//запоминаем номер ошибки
//если закрыли успешно
/*?*/  Sleep(1+_Sleep);
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

is it correct to ask for the closing time or price immediately after closing a position in MT4?

or is it better to wait for a pause?

Should we just check for changes in the history list?

Artyom Trishkin:

Maybe just check the changes in the history list?

the order is selected on the ticket

and I need to know if it is possible to request the closing price and time immediately after closing.

I know for sure that after opening an order cannot be selected immediately, you have to wait for a pause.

but is it possible immediately after closing?

ZS: the fact that it is closed, it will boolean back from the close function
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

whether it is possible to request the closing price and closing time as soon as it is closed.


I do know that you cannot select an order immediately after it has been opened; you have to wait for a pause.

You do not have to.



think about it )

you can ask

and the closing time and price won't come back zero?


You don't have to.

practice shows that you should

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

and the closing time and price do not return zero?

No, the historical table is generated before leaving the trading function.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

practice shows that it is necessary to

You must have drawn the wrong conclusion at the time.


Apparently the wrong conclusion was drawn at the time.

That was a long time ago, back in the fourth forum.

I haven't had the need to use it since then, but now I have


Do I understand correctly that MetaQuotes will be subject to the GDPR - the new rules on personal data processing in Europe?

GDPR — новые правила обработки персональных данных в Европе для международного IT-рынка
GDPR — новые правила обработки персональных данных в Европе для международного IT-рынка
  • 2006.12.17
В мае 2018 года Европа переключится на обновлённые правила обработки персональных данных, установленные Общим регламентом по защите данных (Регламент ЕС 2016/679 от 27 апреля 2016 г. или GDPR — General Data Protection Regulation). Данный регламент, имеющий прямое действие во всех 28 странах ЕС, заменит рамочную Директиву о защите персональных...