Errors, bugs, questions - page 1156


Missing file mql64.exe....

Disappears and that's it. I download the compiler file from the link directly to the terminal folder, use it several times for its intended purpose, and then it disappears! Someone (I mean some process) is deleting it. I thought it was anti-virus, but no, it had nothing to do with it. In the trash no deleted files. I only get to use it for 15 minutes...

I'm serious, no kidding.


A console compiler for separate use from the terminal.

The terminal cleans its directory of obsolete components (see how the directory has slimmed down) and therefore deletes this file.


A console compiler for separate use from the terminal.

The terminal cleans out its directory of obsolete components (see how the directory has slimmed down) and therefore deletes this file.

My suspicions are confirmed. Thank you.

But what to do then?


When trying to commit changes of one file in MQL5 Storage, error "170004" popped up. What is this error?

I fixed it this way: Renamed problem file -> committed changes -> renamed it to its original name -> committed changes.

Just want to know for the future - what is the reason for this error?


F11 - why are there different functionality in mt4 and mt5? In mt4 - F11 minimizes toolbar, status bar, terminal, market overview and navigator. At the same time collapsed windows remain minimized, but windows in mosaic remain mosaic!

In mt5 F11 collapses the toolbar, status bar, terminal, market overview and navigator BUT it only expands the active window to full screen! Why and why is it different from mt4?

Mosaic windows - in mt4 minimized windows are minimized, and open windows are sorted by mosaic. In mt5 minimized windows are NOT minimized, and all windows are sorted by mosaic at once! Why and why is it different from mt4?

How can I sort the tiled windows in mt5 and at the same time collapsed windows remain collapsed?


How can MT4 display progress indicator during long calculation, without external tools like dll?

If I try to change comment(Comment(x + "%")) and refresh chart (WindowRedraw()) - nothing is redrawn.


How can MT4 display progress indicator during long calculation, without external tools like dll?

If I try to change comment (Comment(x + "%")) and refresh chart (WindowRedraw()) - nothing is redrawn.

Maybe just a condition in the code is not fulfilled and the execution of the program does not go to "Comment"?

Here is an example of the script - comments are updated. MetaTrader 4 build 660 started (MetaQuotes Software Corp.)

//|                                                  test_script.mq4 |
//|                              Copyright © 2014, Vladimir Karputov |
//|                                  |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2014, Vladimir Karputov"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   long x=0;
   for(long i=LONG_MIN;i<LONG_MAX;i++)
      if(x==0 || IsStopped())

Perhaps just a condition in the code is not fulfilled and the execution of the program does not go into "Comment"?

Here is an example of a script - comments are updated. MetaTrader 4 build 660 started (MetaQuotes Software Corp.)

No, I have not set any conditions. I used to call progress through dll and it worked, but I cannot publish products with dll binding in the market, so I just replaced the call to Comment in the code. I assume the script works because there is no computational load in it. I have it updating Comment as well. But in indicator, where a lot of other code is running, it doesn't update - only after the whole cycle the last comment is visible.

But then how should it be?

So how do I use the console compiler if it is removed by the terminal?

Here is an example of a script - comments are updated. MetaTrader 4 build 660 started (MetaQuotes Software Corp.)

I would like to clarify my question - progress should work in an indicator. Your code, when transferred to the indicator, stops displaying the comment at runtime.