Automated Trading Championship 2011 Has Started! - page 4


Automated Trading Championship 2011: Interview with Valery Mazurenko (notused)

The task of writing an Expert Advisor trading on multiple currency pairs is complex both in terms of finding suitable strategies and from the technological side. But if the goal is set clear, nothing is impossible then. It was four times already that Vitaly Mazurenko (notused) submitted his multi-currency Expert Advisor. It seems, he has managed to find the right way this time.

We have not been able to interview him when his Expert Advisor was in TOP-10 but the interest for his trading robot remains. Valery has revealed us his recipe for multi-currency Expert Advisors.

Your Expert Advisor shows good results this year. Is that what you've just called "use mathematical education appropriately"?

In my last year interview I told that it is not so difficult to develop relatively "lossless" Expert Advisor (in a reasonable time, of course). Also, I noted that the major problem of most traders is money management that can destroy a good Expert Advisor.

"Good volume" is probably a strong expression. In fact, there is nothing difficult in that. The optimization of the Expert Advisor took approximately one month using MQL5 Cloud Network. Optimization was carried out in several stages.

As I've already noted, optimal F was selected as money management method, while the "fundamental trading equation", as it is called by Ralph Vince, is used as the objective optimization function. Also, there were some issues concerning strategies combining.

The full text is available on the Championship website - Interview with Valery Mazurenko (notused).

The Sponsors of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 are MIG Bank, Go Marketsand Vantage FX. The Media Sponsor of the Championship is Forex-TSD.


Automated Trading Championship 2011: Tenth Week Report

That week has turned out to be the most complicated in the Championship. The TOP-3 is still occupied by the same participants from Russia, Germany and China, though their positions have changed. The main question was if the Expert Advisor of lf8749 would be able to overcome $100 000 level again, but the answer is still unclear. We don't know about the basis of his Expert Advisor, which was ascending so perfectly for 8 weeks and then suddenly started falling. It has lost almost $14 000 this week and moved to the third place. But two weeks before the end of the Championship may be enough for it to change the situation.

The next to last eleventh week of the Championship has started and we decrease the number of potential winners of the Automated Trading Championship 2011. Future winners are in the TOP-10 now and it is unlikely that someone else can interfere. But none of the TOP-10 participants can be absolutely sure of that and we will see the end of this exciting competition soon.

The full text is available on the Championship website - Tenth Week Report.

The Sponsors of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 are MIG Bank, Go Marketsand Vantage FX. The Media Sponsor of the Championship is Forex-TSD.


Automated Trading Championship 2011: Interview with Li Fang (lf8749)

On the seventh week of the Championship, Li Fang's Expert Advisor (lf8749) set a new record - it earned over $100,000 in 10 trades. This successful series helped the Expert Advisor to stay at the very top of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 rating for two weeks. In this interview we tried to find out the secret of Li Fang's success.

You have participated in ATC 2010, but this time the result much more impressive. Tell us please about your Expert Advisor. I used the Fibonacci rule to determine the trading signals, the take profit and stop loss, the parameters optimized on historical data from January to August 2011. The reason of bad results of last year's championship because there was a programming error.

The full text is available on the Championship website - Interview with Li Fang (lf8749).

The Sponsors of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 are MIG Bank, Go Marketsand Vantage FX. The Media Sponsor of the Championship is Forex-TSD.


Automated Trading Championship 2011: Multicurrency Expert Advisors in the ATC 2011

Of all the Expert Advisors participating in the current Championship, 104 EAs are multicurrency, i.e. they trade two or more currency pairs. We decided to see how they differ from single currency Expert Advisors in terms of trading performance: the ratio of profitable and losing EAs, convenient and inconvenient currency pairs. For the record, we used trading data for the first two months of the competition.

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way," Leo Tolstoy said. Does the gain or loss depend on the currency pair? Why do most of participants of the ATC contests choose EURUSD and almost do no trade outsider currencies? According to Statistical Report #1, the most unloved pairs for single currency EAs were the following: USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCAD and EURAUD.

Since EURUSD is traded by over 85% of single currency Expert Advisors, let's visualize it in a separate diagram. We have calculated daily results of all deals that lock in profit for EURUSD, and have plotted a curve by days of the first two months.

The full text is available on the Championship website - Multicurrency Expert Advisors in the ATC 2011.

The Sponsors of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 are MIG Bank, Go Marketsand Vantage FX. The Media Sponsor of the Championship is Forex-TSD.


Automated Trading Championship 2011: Eleventh Week Report

The Championship's TOP-10 is still rich for surprises and exciting moments. During the eleventh week the Championship leader, the Expert Advisor of Xupypr from Russia has finally fixed its profit causing joy among its fans and now it is staying still. The second place is being occupied by the multi-currency Expert Advisor of yyy999 from China. It has 8 open positions and all of them are losing ones. The trading robot of Tim from Germany is coming third.

The last week of the Championship will put an end to the three-month competition and the authors of Expert Advisors from TOP-10 will finally be able to relax. 5 trading days are left before the winners of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 will be finally determined. And every participant desires the course of market events to be most favorable for their Expert Advisor. We wish good luck to all the participants!

The full text is available on the Championship website - Eleventh Week Report.

The Sponsors of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 are MIG Bank, Go Marketsand Vantage FX. The Media Sponsor of the Championship is Forex-TSD.


I am first time reading about Automated Trading Championship as I am newbie in forex trading.


Automated Trading Championship 2011: Interview with Andrea Zani (sbraer)

On the eleventh week of the Automated Trading Championship, Andrea Zani (sbraer) got featured very close to the top five of the competition. It is on the sixth place with about 47,000 USD now. Andrea's Expert Advisor AZXY has made only one losing deal, which was at the very beginning of the Championship. Since then, its equity curve has been steadily growing.

Did you start right with MetaTrader 5 or had you used MetaTrader 4 before?

Maybe I am the only participant of this Championship (or one of the few), who began directly with MetaTrader 5 and MQL5. I got interested in the platform only a year ago. A friend of mine, David (brainkiller) introduced the forex world to me some months ago. Since then, I began using MetaTrader 5 and developing my own Expert Advisors. I started with the simplest ones moving on to more complex EA trying to get a profit from the market.

And this is the first year I participate in the Automated Trading Championship.

The full text is available on the Championship website - Interview with Andrea Zani (sbraer).

The Sponsors of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 are MIG Bank, Go Marketsand Vantage FX. The Media Sponsor of the Championship is Forex-TSD.


Automated Trading Championship 2011: TOP-10 Participants Overview

The last week of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 is going under a full head of steam. Soon we will finally find out the winners of this three-month MQL5 trading robots competition. We have witnessed sudden rises and sharp falls of some participants and some things have again been seen the first time.

The sole criterion for determining the Championship winners is the gained profit. On the one hand, it is desirable to perform as many trades as possible to gain maximum profit. On the other hand, the risk of a deposit loss also increases with trading activity. Championship participants have been trying to solve this issue in their own way. Let's examine the values of this parameter for TOP-10 participants, as of 5 days before the competition end.

The full text is available on the Championship website - TOP-10 Participants Overview.

The Sponsors of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 are MIG Bank, Go Marketsand Vantage FX. The Media Sponsor of the Championship is Forex-TSD.


The Automated Trading Championship 2011 Is Over!

The fifth annual Automated Trading Championship 2011 is over. Today, after 12 weeks of the fascinating competition of trading robots, participants' Expert Advisors have been stopped, and we can finally announce the winners.

During the Championship, various Expert Advisors got featured on top of the ATC rankings, their strategies were vigorously discussed by the contest participants and website visitors, and interviews with them were published in the News section of this site. In interviews with the winners of the previous Championships, we have found two ingredients for success in the competition - a good trading strategy and luck.

The full text is available on the Championship website - The Automated Trading Championship 2011 Is Over!

The Sponsors of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 are MIG Bank, Go Marketsand Vantage FX. The Media Sponsor of the Championship is Forex-TSD.


Automated Trading Championship 2011 in Figures: Dotting All the "I"s

So, the Automated Trading Championship 2011 is over! and the winners are named. While waiting for the official winners announcement, we decided to remind you of some of the Championship figures. Unofficially we can call it a distribution of special awards for outstanding performance during the Championship.

But before moving to the list of nominations and winners we should announce statistical data on the computing resources consumption by the TOP-10 participants. This parameter directly affected the possibility of an Expert Advisor to enter the Championship. The absolute leader in the TOP-10 is aharata. His Expert Advisor consistently consumed for about half a gigabyte of RAM.

Also we should mention a few "outstanding consumers of resources" beyond the TOP-10. These are nimrodm (0.75 GB of RAM and up to 25% of CPU resources most part of the time), porthonkao (1.8 GB), Lizar (1.3 GB) and Tulpar_2011 (1.2 GB). They have managed to avoid disqualification only because of their more saving neigbours that have managed to use remaining resources efficiently enough to maintain their proper work.

The full text is available on the Championship website - Automated Trading Championship 2011 in Figures: Dotting All the "I"s.

The Sponsors of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 are MIG Bank, Go Marketsand Vantage FX. The Media Sponsor of the Championship is Forex-TSD.
