Blessing 2 - page 214


Fine-tuning usdjpy

I've been running some additional tests, to see if I should

change any of my settings on my live accounts. I downloaded fresh data and ran tests on the entire year

of 2008 and 2009, since both years were very tough

on martingales(heavy trending).

This is just one of the good ones that I think shows

promise. It was able to pass both years with good

profit factor(over 2) and very respectable drawdown

(less than 25%).

The test was run on a dedicated Alpari terminal, with

$10K balance, .01 lots, 10-cent pips, which equates

to $1K, .01 lots, 1-cent pips on IBFX.

Since TSD is unable to upload the .htm, the basic

settings are AutoCal=false, 1.4 multiplier, and 100MA

and H1 chart.

I've been running some additional tests, to see if I should

change any of my settings on my live accounts. I downloaded fresh data and ran tests on the entire year

of 2008 and 2009, since both years were very tough

on martingales(heavy trending).

This is just one of the good ones that I think shows

promise. It was able to pass both years with good

profit factor(over 2) and very respectable drawdown

(less than 25%).

The test was run on a dedicated Alpari terminal, with

$10K balance, .01 lots, 10-cent pips, which equates

to $1K, .01 lots, 1-cent pips on IBFX.

Since TSD is unable to upload the .htm, the basic

settings are AutoCal=false, 1.4 multiplier, and 100MA

and H1 chart.

Good Results i see ,how can i get that system and how works on live acc?

Thanks in advance,



possible Bug


I backtested the EA on EURUSD starting 16th of March 2009 with all the bells and whistles switched off. Setfile and report attached.

After row 114:

modification of trades 1 to 4 is missing

Row 115: Sell limit is set at +200 and not at +50

Maybe someone can have a look into it. I can't code.

Good Results i see ,how can i get that system and how works on live acc?

Thanks in advance,


I'm going to change the settings for today's open. Won't

know how it does live, but it tests better than my old

settings. If you're interested in the full report, PM me and

I will email it to you.


I'm going to change the settings for today's open. Won't

know how it does live, but it tests better than my old

settings. If you're interested in the full report, PM me and

I will email it to you.


I cant PM i dont now why but i am interested and if you can send me via email



Blessing 5.2

Hi, can anybody help me with this EA, how can trade with 5 Digit broker using MT4 ex:FXCM, can somebody help?


irons H4 set files dont work no more. i just thought that you should know that. i'm going from one big drawdown to another big drawdown,holding 9-10 levels for many weeks.probably autocal is responsible again but i dont know.. when the eur was resting it placed sell orders very close to each other, then it climbed up and autocal spread the new levels, but came up with an idiotic tp level of 1.47xx. How can we climb up to almost 1.51 and you are waiting at 1.47something. i mean we saw a good 200 pips+ retrace on that currency but again it wasnt enoguh for blessing to bank the profits and that was mainly because of the first few levels that were placed very close to each other and messed up everything. It doesnt matter, i just want to make a conclusion on all this - for me irons h4 set files dont work no more, the cad and other exotic pairs have never worked for me, usdjpy was a little bit too risky and i wasnt able to handle it the right way, i had some good settings but every once in a while they produced something very very scary. and finally the eurusd.. i had some good times during the last year. made some significant profits and even opened a 2nd accound. Then everything was completely destroyed during september uptrend. 2nd account wiped out, 1st account i preserved only half of it.. started again and things are not the same anymore. i am always stuck in between 3 options - not trading because of the stochastic version, trading with very low levels and of course very low profit percentage and 3rd option - going into extreme drawdowns durng which i am praying for my money and am left on a 50/50 percent chance of winning/destroying the account again. Chartwalkers 5m EuroChf did fine on backtesting (only for 2009, before that its something between BE and complete disaster, but that is on my tests of course it may be different in reality). I decided to give it a try with small ammount of money for a start but wasnt able to run the ea, because it does not open any orders. i heard of some bug that they were trying to fix and i received newer version with the same issue. so i just gave up on that too. so that is my conclusion . to sum it up - nothing of the above works for me the way i want it too. Even with the most proven and safe ways of trading blessing it became too risky for me. You probably dont know much about me. I am young i am not very rich. I have about 5000$ in blessing and i cannot afford to lose all that money. I do not use it right now of course but it is a very large sum here in my country,much much higher than the monthly income of many families. So f i lose it i will probably receive a heart attack or something.. I am not sure if i will continue with blessing. Right now i am in one of those long and painful drawdowns again, thats t he reason for my essay here I dont know if i am going to wait for the euro to move down or i will close my positions now losing 20% of everything. It is always better to lose 20% than to lose 100% . Much better i guess. For me it becomes useless. I better invest those money in my manual trading. I will probably get the same or better early return on the same ammount of money, with a much lower risk.. Its just an absurd to have 5000$ and a current float of -1500 with large open positions, so you know that if the price goes eevenn 100-150 pips in the wrong direction, it is game over. And it eventually will go in that direction. Getting 5-10% monthly and risking the whole account and begging for it every f*cking day is not worht it anymore for me. Blessing is good to be developed as somekind of experiment but in reality i am sure that there are better ways of trading, maybe not more profitable but much more safe for your money. Thats what i had to say, reply to me if you have an opinion. i will come back in a couple of days to read the thread.


Do what I did and you will sleep better at night and start getting profits.

Step 1: Turn Autocal off.

Step 2: Set EURUSD to Long Only and USDJPY to Short only.

This is how I am running live and has worked beautifully. I believe there is a concerted effort to devalue the dollar so I suspect this should work well for the next couple years or so. As long as Washington keeps spending money like water (Stimulus package, Tarp and now the HUGE Health Care bill). The dollar will keep lowering in value.

This should work until Obama gets out of office in 3 years or so. I hope this helps.


response to the last couple of messages

HolyGuy7, I can't agree with you more about the method of trading blessing that you are doing. We will probably continue down the road of greenback devaluing, especially with the interest accruing that the us will owe to china, and yet they still insist on pushing for more spending for the health bill. It seems to me that the government almost wants the devaluing so that the money they owe is actually worth less.

HolyGuy7, I was wondering what specific version of blessing you are running live and if you were willing to share your settings? I am using the bollinger flavor, so i am worried that if I go with longs only on the eurusd I might be cutting out too much profit, though going long only is exactly what I want to do. I was wondering also how do you go long only? is it the setting in the common dialog box where your options are (long & short, long only, short only) or did you modify the mql?

Feline207- I hear you and agree that the original Iron settings are no longer applicable for safe trading. I took a look at the chartwalker's settings. I found a bug in the first version he sent out, and when I asked him he sent out a new version. Unfortunately I think most of what he talked about himself doing was hype and gravely exaggerated. When I ran the new one he sent out, it didn't perform well at all with MM on and with some of the most conservative settings ever on 5musdchf it would crap out around june of this year. Also the multiplier of 1.1 is weird because at small initial lot sizes each level will place the same lot size indefinitely while at a higher initial lot size you will see a progressive increase in lot size. Blessing doesn't have code to round correctly such a small multiplier and chartwalker didn't modify the multiplier code to handle small multipliers. This is why recommended is 1.3-1.4. You can go down to 1.25 and still scale progressively (the rounding works) however I don't like being in a basket of trades for 1.5 weeks only to loose money, a multiplier of 1.3 allows you to profit from these longer cases.

On that note I had a very important thing to say that I have seen lots of people do. You can't backtest blessing without MM on for the last 10 years and expect meaningful results. You would want to keep your betting/risk consistent throughout the entire backtest of blessing. Otherwise in earlier years where it performs great you will make a lot of money that will allow exaggerated floats and too high of levels. Your EP should get hit at level 12/13/14/15 etc... Otherwise your just gambling your account away with no sense.

In other words, if you backtest with MM off and your initial is fixed at say 0.01 lot with EP at 7% float, that would mean that as your account grows you progressively risk more and more since the 7% is calculated from the balance. That would mean that over time as your account gets bigger, your risk/reward ratio drops proportionally to the amount you win. So how do we keep a somewhat consistent Risk/Reward Ratio???

You have to have MM on and adjust the LAF - Lot Adjustment Factor to something that will allow you to survive higher levels of trending. I modified the LAF code to set my initial lot size to what I felt was reasonable at level 10/11 EP hit at LAF 1. This is personal preference and not necessary for everyone though.

Sorry for writing a book here, but I just had to throw these things out there and ask HolyGuy7 those questions. I think this forum is more of a group therapy circle for us blessing risk takers =) Take Care guys!


I feel your pain. I almost got nailed with a big EP hit several months ago.

The problem was the AutoCal - it was placing too many trades too close

to each other. I just ran extensive backtests on usdjpy and eurgbp and

they did best with AutoCal=false, so I that's the way I'm running my live


I do not optimize for short time periods. I go for an overall setup that

can cover two or three bad years with large trending. It cuts down the

profits a little, but I can sleep better at night.
